PP Editor’s Blog 30/1/15

I was struck by the quality of Gordon Walker’s playing on the BBC’s Gaelic piping programme the other day: bright, full of verve, clean, crisp professional technique, a solid, harmonic pipe. It was recorded at the Northern Meeting a couple of years ago and here was a piper going for the first prize. No safety first for him. Yes, he may have lost a tad control in his Cockerel in the…

PP Editor’s Blog 10/1/15 – Erwan’s funeral added

Erwan Ropars funeral will be held in Quimper Cathedral at 2.30pm this Tuesday, January 13th. Following sales this week, these are the only issues now remaining of paper copies of Pipe Band magazine: July 2003, Oct 2006, Oct 2007, Apr 2010, Jan 2011, Apr 2011, Oct 2011, Jan 2012, Apr 2012, Oct 2012, Jan 2013, April 2013, July 2013, Oct 2013, Jan 2014, Jan 15. Go to the ppresshop. Magazines are free. Charge is for mailing: £1.17 UK, £3.70 Europe, £4.75 RoW. [wds id=”2″] Real journalism is…

New CPA Grading Committee Announced (comments added)

It is All About Perception By Robert Wallace The Competing Pipers’ Association have announced their new Grading Committee as follows: Colin MacLellan (Chair), Iain Speirs, William McCallum, Douglas Murray, Finlay Johnston, Glenn Brown, Cameron Drummond (light music only), Callum Beaumont (piob. only). All highly qualified individuals with more lustrous medals between them than a particularly industrious jackdaw. They have been charged with allocating status to their peers (peers in every case except the chairman who no longer competes). More…

PP Editor’s Blog 19/12/14

Well done to the RSPBA Northern Ireland Branch for supporting the campaign to resist cuts to the arts and culture budget in the Province. As they say, what else can you get for 13p, the estimate of what the budget costs per head of the population. Arts Council Northern Ireland make a big contribution to the pipe band movement in Ulster, and good on them for that. Our arts body,…

New Piping and Drumming School for Florida

A  new school of piping and drumming will take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, next March. The press release reads: Are you a piper or drummer looking for a break from a cold winter and an opportunity to improve your skills? Does some serious fun in the sun working on the music you love sound an attractive proposition? If so the South Florida Pipe and Drum Academy is for you….