PP Ed's Blog: Skye Under Fire/ Geoff's Collection/ SPA/ Ulster Charity Concert

US broadcaster CNN has handed the island of Skye the unwelcome tag of one of the top 12 global tourists destinations to avoid this summer. The list also includes Barcelona, the Taj Mahal and Mount Everest. The report states that the infrastructure of Scotland’s largest island ‘creaked under the pressure last year as thousands of tourists in coaches and cars plied its narrow lanes resulting in widespread snarl-ups. Eventually the residents…

Pipe Major's Job in Australia/ Ulster Scots Juveniles Concert/ Jock MacPhee, HLI

Queensland Police in Australia are looking for a Pipe Major. To be based in Brisbane, the job specification reads: ‘You will provide supportive leadership, direction and coordination of the musical selection and performance of the Queensland Police Pipes and Drums (QPP&D), and contribute to strengthening relationships between the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the community through engagement and crime prevention initiatives.’ The job is full-time, ‘permanent’, paying a max. of…

PP Ed's Blog: Government Funding for Piping/ Argyllshire Gathering/ RSPBA Indoor/ Mystery Piper

I have some sympathy with composer Sir James MacMillan’s stance on Government interference in the arts. ‘Art for art’s sake’ it has to be. Sir James was writing after the latest tranche of grants was announced by Creative Scotland, the Government’s cash for culture coordinators. Sir James reminded readers in The Times of a meeting called by Fiona Hyslop the Scottish Government’s Arts Minister last May. ‘National Culture Strategy’ was…

Competition in Memory of Andrew Bonar / Scots Guards KO/ RSPBANI Burns Dinner

The BC Pipers Association have announced the following…. ‘With just under a month until the Boney Music Memorial Invitational Piping Competition and Recital, the event is again shaping up to be one of the BC Pipers’ Association’s highlight events of the year. ‘Featuring the top five finishers from the 2017 Open Piping Grand Aggregate standings [James P. Troy, Kevin McLean, Andrew Lee, Alastair Lee and Jori Chisholm], the performers will…

NZ Piper Stuart Finlayson Talks of His Lessons with P/M Donald MacLeod

Stuart Finlayson is the renowned piper and composer from New Zealand. A prizewinner at the highest level, Stuart is well known to all generations via his outstanding compositions – tunes such as Stuart Chisholm’s Walkabout and the Motley Crew. As a teenager he left his homeland and took the long boat trip to Scotland where he studied piping with P/M Donald MacLeod and Duncan Johnstone. In this first part of…