PP Editor’s Blog: Games Attendance/Bands at Bridge of Allan

There are some pretty simple solutions the Competing Pipers’ Association could enact to solve the poor turnouts at our Highland games. I hope I am not overstating the problem, but when only handfuls of pipers are turning up at the likes of Taynuilt, Lochearnhead, Markinch, Luss, Tobermory, we need to do something. Inveraray, by contrast, can attract 35 for its B grade events, 27 for the C and a healthy entry for…

New Band Competition Announced/SPA Winners

The Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch of the RSPBA has inaugurated a new competition for full pipe bands and solo drummers. The contest will take place on 25th April 2015; venue: Coatbridge High School. The band contest is indoor, full band and covers Grades 1 to Novice Juvenile and is open to all bands. Solo Drumming Sections are: Adult, entrants aged 18 years and over on date of contest, any…