How ‘Mull of Kintyre’ Became the Biggest Selling Bagpipe Song of All Time

A new book on the music of Paul McCartney contains much revealing detail on the origination, recording and promotion of his song ‘Mull of Kintyre’ featuring the Campbeltown Pipe Band and their Pipe Major Tony Wilson……. There was one song in particular that had been tugging on Paul’s imagination for at least three years and that he now had an urge to complete. That song, Mull of Kintyre, its melody,…

Editor’s Notebook: RSPBA Majors/ Brittany/ Angus Recital/ Scots College/ NZ Drums

I understand an announcement on the fifth major pipe band championship is imminent. The smart money is on the town of Dumfries and the month June. All unconfirmed of course. Ulster bands, none too happy with the 2025 UKs being on the 12th of July (Ingliston), can be cheered – a ferry hop to Stranraer and a drive along the A75 will bring them to the 2025 British Pipe Band…

News from Across the Water: Derry-Londonderry to Host All Irelands/ RSPBANI AGM/ Tartan Dander

Next year’s All Ireland Pipe Band Championships will be coming to Derry-Londonderry on 5th July 2025. Surprisingly, but none the less welcome, the announcement came from the Executive Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly This underlines that they consider it a significant event in the region’s cultural and tourism calendar and means there will be financial backing for the event. The venue is the city’s Ebrington Square, a public space…

Concern in Northern Ireland Over RSPBA’s New Major Championship

The RSPBA has announced that next year’s UK Pipe Band Championship will be held at Ingliston, near Edinburgh Airport, on July 12. It is the fourth major to be confirmed by the Association. Only the British remains outstanding. Ingliston has excellent car parking and bus and tram connections, making it ideal for competing bands and spectators. Securing the venue, known officially as the Royal Highland Centre, is a success for…

Bob Hain 1937-2024

We report the sad and sudden passing of piper and reedmaker Bob Hain, Leslie, Fife. He was 87. After a career in the Black Watch, during which time he was selected to be Lone Piper at the Edinburgh Tattoo, Bob left the Army and joined Cupar & District Pipe Band. Only a short while after joining he was elected Pipe Major. This began a very successful period for the band…