My Father, P/M Robert Reid – Part 5

We continue with our correspondence from Robert Reid jnr. to Jimmy McIntosh. This abridged letter is dated 28th September, 1993. In the firing line are judges and professional pipers…. My father had quite a varied career in that his first job was as a piper and dancer in a music hall company touring Germany before the First World War. Being a champion boy dancer and piper he attracted quite a…

Angus MacColls Recital/ Balmoral Classic Results

The Lewis and Harris Piping Society have announced a recital evening featuring Angus MacColl and his son Angus jnr. Katie Laing reports: ‘The next recital in this winter’s programme will be held on Friday 17th November in the Caladh Hotel in Stornoway at 7.30pm. The guest artists will be Angus D MacColl from Benderloch near Oban, and his son Angus J MacColl. ‘Angus Senior has been a world class piper for…

RSPBA: Regradings, 2023 Major Championships Review, Pipe Band College Suspended

The following excerpts are from the minutes of last month’s Board of Directors’ meeting of the RSPBA. We reproduce them as close to the original as possible without comment. 2024 Championship Update: Chief Executive [Colin Mulhern] spoke about the World Championship and has confirmed dates for 2024 [16/17 August]; Scottish [at Dumbarton] has signed for three years. He is continuing to work with various councils and promoters for the remaining…

Editor’s Notebook: Northern Winter School/ Callum Beaumont/ Croydon BB/ Hero Piper/

To Germany today for the Northern Winter School. It has attracted its usual large crop of students, evidence of the sustaining interest in piping and drumming in that country. But not everywhere in Europe is doing so well. Looking around we can detect a falling off in a Scandinavia, once so strong. Where are the schools in Denmark and Sweden? Maybe there is stuff happening that I am unaware of….

History: Pipe Bands in the East of Scotland Part 4

I am extremely grateful to reader Iain McAlister for forwarding the pictures which illustrate this article and for the information on the bands in the photographs. Of the one above, Iain writes: ‘The picture of the band in uniform is Whitrigg, unknown year, Pipe Major Elkie Clark. Kneeling front right is a very young Robert Martin, later to become P/M of Boghall.’ Iain has sent three other very interesting pictures…