Editor’s Notebook: RSPBA Majors/ Brittany/ Angus Recital/ Scots College/ NZ Drums

I understand an announcement on the fifth major pipe band championship is imminent. The smart money is on the town of Dumfries and the month June. All unconfirmed of course. Ulster bands, none too happy with the 2025 UKs being on the 12th of July (Ingliston), can be cheered – a ferry hop to Stranraer and a drive along the A75 will bring them to the 2025 British Pipe Band…

Analysis: The ‘Strange’ Crunluath Revisited

The set tunes for 2024 had two tunes which had ‘open’ toarluath and crunluath fosgailte movements, the Nameless tune from Angus MacKay set for the Gold Medal, and the MacNabs’ Gathering set for the Silver, the tunes appearing in the PS Book 3 on pages 148 and 149.   By Duncan Watson There are about five or six other tunes which come to mind where this open fosgailte can occur…

RSPBA Tune Search for New Book/ Piping and Drumming Jobs Deadline Extended

Since its formation in the 1930s the home of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association has indisputably been the city of Glasgow. Next year the metropolis celebrates 850 years since it founding. To mark the occasion the RSPBA has launched a project to create a ‘Glasgow 850 Commemorative Pipe Tunes’ book containing 85 compositions. On behalf of the Association, Vikki Singer wrote: ‘For those interested in composing, why not come up…

Pipe Major Robert Reid Pipes Sell for Substantial Sum at Glasgow Auction

Pipes and chanters previously owned by P/M Robert Reid earned over £10,000 following an auction in Glasgow yesterday The main set, almost certainly that pictured above being played by the master piper (r). Rubber bands on the drone slides can still be seen on the picture below. This set attracted interest from around the world after it was featured on Piping Press pre-sale. It sold for £6,000. The name of…

Review: An Alternative Desperate Battle of the Birds

By Duncan Watson A few weeks ago I attended a talk at Aberdeen University’s Storytelling Festival. It was given by Jamie MacDonald Reid with musical accompaniment by a cellist. The title was ‘The Desperate Battle of the Birds’ and that’s what sparked my interest. I was not sure what to expect. I thought we would have the usual story backed up with extracts of the tune: the cock birds stalking each…