Editor’s Notebook: Forfar Burgh Pipe Band/ Ivory Pipes/ Florida P&D Academy/ Ardmore Cup/ MoP Royalties

A contact of mine called Mike Croft is putting together an exhibition in the Meffan Institute, Forfar, on the history of pipe bands in the area. He is a former drummer in the Forfar Burgh Pipe Band, writes Tom Peterkin  In its day, it was a pretty good band rising through the grades to Grade One – probably in the 1960s. Although I did not play with the band, he has been…

Draw for Archie Kenneth Quaich Announced

Those selected to play for the Piobaireachd Society’s prestigious Archie Kenneth Quaich 2024 have been announced. The playing order for the contest for amateur piobaireachd players is as follows: The date is February 24th and the venue the Royal Scottish Pipers Rooms, 127 Rose St South Lane, Edinburgh EH2 4BB, start time 9.30am. Visitors welcome. Applications for the 25 places totalled 37. There are four reserves for the 2024 competition:…

New Regulations and Rules will Hit Those Travelling with and Dealing in Ivory Pipes

Stricter measures in the trade in elephant ivory come into force in Canada today, January 8, 2024. The new rules could have implications for all pipers with ivory pipes. Henceforth the Canadian government will only permit the import and export of raw elephant ivory destined for a museum, zoo, use in scientific research or in law enforcement activities, writes the Editor.  Furthermore, and this is the relevant part for pipers…

New Announcements from the Piobaireachd Society

Texan Piper Mike Cusack has accepted an invitation to join the Piobaireachd Society’s prestigious Music Committee. Mike, pictured above, is a double Gold Medallist and winner of all the major piobaireachd prizes some many times over. He recently retired as Head Master of St Thomas’s Episcopal School in Houston and still plays with the school alumni pipe band. He is the second North American to join the committee. Jack Lee,…

Editor’s Notebook: P/M Barnes BEM/ Lady Lever Park/ John MacFadyen/ SPA Amateurs 1970

Welcome back everyone and I hope you all had a good New Year break. First off I want to congratulate my old mucker Robert Barnes on being awarded the BEM in HM The King’s New Year Honours. No one deserves recognition more than Barney. He’s been teaching kids in Fife and generally contributing to the Kingdom’s piping for 50 plus years. He is what we call in Scotland a ‘lad…