Winter Storm Entries Top 300

The Midwest Highland Arts Fund (MHAF) Board of Directors reports: Today the previous record of 271 solo contest entries, set in January, 2017, was broken with 313 solo entries recorded for its upcoming Winter Storm, January 12, 2018, piping and drumming contests. The entry deadline was Midnight, December 15, 2017, and the record numbers are attributed, in part, to strong growth in the amateur piping and drumming contests. Returning for…


Today we have the fourth and final instalment of our abridged excerpts from the above named book by Ian Hamilton Mackay Scobie. The book was published in 1924 and is now out of print. This excerpt talks of the origins of the famous Seaforth Collection of Pipe Music, one of the best regimental collections, and prized for its settings and variety of tunes. This excerpt also reveals early actions against the…

PP Ed's Blog: Messages of Support/ RSPBA Strathspeys/ Ross MacNaughton/ Writing 3/4s

Thank you to the thousands of readers we had yesterday for my piece on the insult suffered by Senior Adjudicator Barry Donaldson. Thanks too for all the comments. No true friend of Barry’s can be happy at this situation and I would invite those so inclined to send him a message of support. The silence in some quarters has been deafening – as expected. Here are a few of the…

PP Ed's Blog: Cailean's Last Show/ Piob Soc Conf/ West Fife Band Plea/ New Music/ College Board

Cailean MacLean’s last broadcast as presenter of ‘Crunluath’ the Gaelic piping programme is on Thursday (Dec 14) at 4pm. Cailean is stepping down after 20 years at the mic. I don’t know who the Beeb has lined up to follow him but his are a difficult set of brogues to fill. Cailean was also the piping convenor at the Skye Gathering for many years, a post now held by Cameron…

PP Ed's Blog: SPJA/ Iolaire Disaster/ Joe Wilson/ St Andrews PB, Brisbane

The latest post on the Eagle Pipers Society blog has been brought to my attention and it is good to see its writer, Euan Anderson, has retained his sense of humour. He was the judge selected by the Solo Piping Judges Association to investigate the risible ‘sore arm gate’ complaint against me. These kangaroo court inquiries against fellow judges are reprehensible and my advice to anyone asked to undertake them…