Editor’s Notebook: Worlds All Set/ Gold Medal Hero/ Island Bands Plea/ Lonach Axemen

Well who’s your money on? Boghall, Inveraray and Field Marshal have one major each this season. SFU were brilliant by all accounts the other evening. If SLOT up their game they could figure, as could the Power. And don’t rule out Shotts taking the top prize. Remember when Ryan Canning surprised everyone not so very long ago? One thing is sure, after four legs and the opinions of 16 judges,…

Blue MacMurchie’s Extensive Collection of Piping Artefacts For Sale/ New Interviews on Pipers’ Persuasion

After making pipes for 25 years in  West Calder, West Lothian, MacMurchie Bagpipes is re-locating to nearby Kirknewton, writes Blue MacMurchie. It’s a move of eight miles to where our business started. The move will be done over a few months. For three generations the family has collected more piping memorabilia than you can poke a stick at. With the pending move it now comes time to downsize this collection. It includes pipes,…

Northern Ireland Pipe Band Round Up

All-Ireland Pipe Band Championships: The spacious grounds of Ballymena Academy were the venue for Ireland’s premier pipe band competition which took place on Saturday 1st July. The weather was ever changing but never cold. The popularity and importance of this competition to the pipe band fraternity on the island of Ireland was illustrated by a large attendance as friendships were made or renewed around the arenas and tuning areas. The variable…

The Life and Death of Gold Medallist and Military Hero – P/M William Mackie

Last week we reported correspondence from Mrs Rhonda Whitmarsh-Knight who was trying to trace photographs and information about her Gold Medal-winning grandfather, P/M William Mackie KOSB, who died fighting the Japanese in Hong Kong in 1941. PP readers responded magnificently to the challenge and we are particularly grateful to Ron Abbot, David Livingstone and Trevor Clydesdale for their input carried below. Pipe Major William Keith Craigie Mackie was born in Edinburgh…

Editor’s Notebook: 100 Pipers Band/ Results Mix Up/ PS Recital/ Piper Wanted/ Gold Medal Hero

Reader Gordon Smith: ‘I’ve sent you an old picture of the 100 Pipers Whisky pipe band taken outside a Chivas factory building in Paisley. I’m not sure if it’s a thread you would pursue. Pipe Major was the late Donnie Thomson, ex-Shotts, far left of pic. Leading drummer Alan Craig far right, with well known bass drummer Ian Macmillan in back row.’ Thanks very much for that Gordon. Would any…