Readers Letters: Tune and Braemar Medal Queries from South Africa and John Roe Tune Search

Sandy Cameron, Roy Bridge, and Dan Lyden, USA, winners of the 2023 Braemar Medals

Chris Terry, South Africa: ‘Some time ago (11 November, 2022) you had a video clip of Logan Tannock playing a hornpipe on Piping Press. Do you know the name of the tune (it was the first tune he played), or could you put me in touch with Logan?

‘Also some time back I came across a video clip of Stuart Liddell playing a recital at Braemar. In the background, as he marched up and down, was a board with the names of Braemar Gold Medal winners.

‘Right at the end of the clip, for a brief moment, it was possible to read the section where my name appears – only it has me down as ‘Chris Ferry’! Do you perhaps have the name of the Secretary, or someone whom I could approach, to try to get this rectified?

‘I got both Silver and Gold Braemar Medals in 1985. I can see why they changed the rules so that the winner of th Gold cannot get the Silver! I know Roy Gunn, New Zealand, got his Silver valued around that time and it was worth £400.

‘Heaven knows what the Gold is worth. A 1oz Kruger rand, which must be a similar size and value, is worth R39000 in SA, which is roughly £1,600. Oban and Inverness don’t come close!

‘In the case of the gold going to an overseas player, do they pick the next best overseas player, or simply not award the silver?

  • Perhaps Logan can you help on the tune Chris, and you might like to email the Secretary at Braemar about their winners’ list. As I understand it, if the Gold is won by an overseas player the next overseas player in the list gets the Silver but that may not be 100% accurate. Ed.

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Kate Wrenbury

Douglas Bonnyman: ‘I do hope you won’t mind my writing to you with this request: could you possibly advise me how to get hold of the music for Kate Wrenbury? 

‘In the mid-1970s I was a member of the City of London (Blue Bonnets) Band, whose instructor was P/M John Roe, a man who was held in great esteem by all band members.

‘One evening John happened to be playing Kate Wrenbury, and when I asked him about the tune, he replied that he had just written it.

P/M John ‘Gabby’ Roe in his Scots Guards days

‘I was keen to learn it, but for some reason, was never able to – John had to retire from the  band through ill health, and I forgot about Kate. Oddly enough, I heard  the tune in my head the other night, BUT I couldn’t recall the name of it, or how it came to be there.  

‘Next morning, I suddenly remembered. I would love to have a copy of it, as it would bring back memories of the Bonnets and, of course, John Roe.’

  • Can any reader supply a copy of the tune and perhaps some info on the Blue Bonnets and P/M Roe’s time there?

1 thought on “Readers Letters: Tune and Braemar Medal Queries from South Africa and John Roe Tune Search

  1. Re Kate Wrenbury by J.S.Roe, I too was in the Blue Bonnets 1974ish and know Douglas Bonnyman and could send him a photocopy of John Roe’s original which was given to the band pipers.

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