Editor’s Notebook: Dress & Deportment/ Worlds Drumming/ Iain Murdo/ Clan Currie/ Evan MacRae

The committee of the Nicol-Brown amateur competition in the US deserve credit for instituting and maintaining a dress and deportment prize in their annual event. Looking at the photographs of the youngsters competing (above) is so much more pleasurable than had they been parading in shorts and t-shirts. The D/D winner, Kevin Darmadi, is top centre. The pipers are learning early on that the instrument and its music is deserving…

Editor’s Notebook: Red Hackle in 1953/ Young Musicians Fight Covid Restrictions/ Sandy’s Tune for the Long March/ Balmoral Classic Update

David Ogilivie has sent this regarding our recent articles on the Red Hackle band: ‘I loved the stories about the Hackle. There was a photo of the band that hung in MacLeod Highland Supplies in Bridgegate, Glasgow, for many years. ‘When Donald [Gibson] was retiring and closing up shop, I asked if I could have this photo as it was most likely getting binned. It’s from 1953 and would be…

After 70 Years the Bell Tolls for Piping Times Magazine

I have it on good authority that we have seen the last of the Piping Times. If my information is correct, and I have no reason to doubt it, this is more grim news in piping’s grimmest of grim years. It gives me no pleasure at all to write this article. I was editor of the magazine for 15 years from 1999 – 2014. I gave my journalistic best to…

Editor’s Notebook: Red Hot Chile Painting/ Pipe Major Identity/ Covid Crisis Proposal for Piping

Reader Mario Zuniga writes from Chile: ‘I’m a piper from Chile. I have seen the news about the painting challenge and I would like to participate with my last piper painting, but for this I think I’m out of time. ‘Here I attached a picture for you my first bagpipe’s topic painting. ‘The Lone Piper’, oil on canvas, 70×35 cm. Thanks. Regards from Chile.’ Well done Mario. Pity you missed the Lockdown…

Editor’s Notebook: Piper’s Dress/ Pipe Major ID Search/ Covid, Synthetic Bags and Bob Gore

I wonder if the new powers that be at the Competing Pipers’ Association can effect some improvement in the appearance of those who take part in their online competitions? Piping is at such a stage of degradation at the moment that it is distressing to see pipers parading in ‘dress’ which is a visual contradiction of the quality of their music. Dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands can view these online events….