Editor’s Notebook: PS Recital/ Mystery 6/8s/ Edinburgh PO Band/ Eden Court/ Games in 1998

The Piobaireachd Society have confirmed they are livestreaming their annual recital from the National Piping Centre on Sunday 29th November at 7.30pm The Society had to move the concert from St Cecilia’s Hall in Edinburgh following health and safety difficulties. Tickets cost just £5 each and are available from the society’s website here.  The pipers, Sandy Cameron, Angus MacColl, Cameron Macdougall and Iain Speirs, will each play two tunes. There will be no tuning…

Editor’s Notebook: The Real Thing Online/ Posture Concerns/ PP Library/ Round the Games

Anyone who is any doubt about the worth of dressing properly for online piping events should take a look at the judges recital broadcast by the promoters of the USA’s Nicol-Brown Amateur contest. Right from the off we have the MC Donald Lindsay properly attired, complete with bonnet and Piobaireachd Society tie. Immediately we know that this is a serious cultural event celebrating our shared Scottish heritage and tradition. There…

Editor’s Notebook: Jack’s Gfidd Dedication/ Cuts to Kids Lessons/ RCS Online Show/ Lament for Alan

Dedication? What about Jack Lee holed up in a cottage in Carnoustie for two weeks quarantine so that he can play at this Saturday’s Glenfiddich Championship? Can’t leave the house but for an emergency. Plenty of time for practice right enough. Jack flew in a week and a half ago from Vancouver and is now all set for the big day. I’ve heard a travel ban is coming for the…

Editor’s Notebook: RSPBA Fees/ Music School Wins Practice Time/ Pipers’ Fashion Shoot

I am a member of a club. It’s been closed by the lockdown. The committee has asked that members pay their subscriptions anyway. The club needs the money to tide it over this difficult period. Otherwise it might go under. I don’t want that to happen. I can afford to contribute. I’ve paid up. The RSPBA have now made the same request to their member bands and they too should…

End of the Piping Times: Excerpts from Past Issues

Last week’s story on the sorry demise of the Piping Times prompted quite a response from readers, writes the Editor. One suggested we make an offer for it (20 years ago maybe), and regular correspondent Ken Rogers from Calgary penned: ‘I read the submission regarding the final edition of the Piping Times fading into history. ‘For me, I retained 34 copies of the magazine of which you were the editor, …