Editor’s Notebook: Audience Restrictions Lifted/ Talk Piobaireachd/ Duncan Watson/ Tryst Supergroup

Anyone thinking about putting on a ‘live’ piping event should consider the following positive guidelines from Scotland’s administrators: Level 2 of covid restrictions begins on Monday May 17, Level 1 from ‘early June’ and Level 0 in ‘later June’. What this means in audience numbers is as follows: If the will is there, there is no official impediment to running a piping or pipe band competition this summer. Reader Ian…

Editor’s Notebook: Piping Times Archive/ Online Contests/ Brian Lamond/ Gavin Stoddart

Director of Piping Finlay MacDonald continues his positive work at the Piping Centre with his announcement this week of the plan to archive the Piping Times and make it accessible to all online and free of charge. It would be criminal to allow this resource to be lost to piping and I hope everyone will support the project. Much of the indexing work has already been carried out. Annie Grant,…

Editor’s Notebook: 2022 Concerns/ Anne’s Class/ Lockdown Piper/ SFU Video

I have diminishing confidence that there willl be a ‘normal’ pipe band season in 2022. If I accept that the reasons for this year’s wipe out were social distancing, masks, money, foreign travel then, I become even more sceptical. The UK government has indicated that, despite the easing of lockdown, ‘baseline’ measures such as masks and distancing will stay for another year. Foreign travellers coming here will be subjected to…

Editor’s Notebook: Iain & Jimmy/ Lockdown Hope/ Mod 1970/ Winter Storm and Bert/ 1989 Games Results

It was touching to read and study the photographs in Avi Bloomenstiel’s piece last week, featuring, as it did, two of the greats of piping we have lost in the past few months, Jimmy McIntosh and Iain Morrison. I spoke to Jimmy shortly before he died and later received an email from him regarding Iain’s passing: ‘My health and head are catching up with me. I saw you had a…

Pipe Band Competition Rout Complete – Is There Hope Left for 2022?

Yesterday’s cancellation of the Worlds and Scottish completed a rout of all major championships for two years in a row. Don’t be so sure that there will be a return to normality for pipe bands in 2022. The reasons for the call-offs were financial, organisational, musical and international. Smaller crowds, distance controlled crowds, would have meant less revenue at the Worlds and numbers would have been impossible to control at…