Editor’s Notebook: Angus Campbell/ Sun Belt Amateurs/ Lorient Festival

Thanks to Josh Dickson for the following re the above photograph we featured last week. Josh writes: ‘The photo in question is indeed Angus Campbell at the age of 10 – 12. It graced the front cover of my 2006 book, ‘When Piping was Strong: Tradition, Change, and the Bagpipe in South Uist’, in which I detailed a great deal of information on Angus, his peers, and the wider piping…

The BBC Responds to the Piping Press Story on the Future of ‘Pipeline’

Following yesterday’s revelation on these pages about the future of Radio Scotland’s ‘Pipeline’ programme we contacted the BBC for a response. To their credit they replied promptly to our query, writes the Editor. A spokeswoman at their Pacific Quay HQ in Glasgow said: ‘It is important that we reflect pipe music on our schedules and we remain committed to providing this for our audience.  ‘We are making some editorial changes…

Rumours Surround the Future of the BBC’s ‘Pipeline’ Programme

I hear ugly noises from the depths of the BBC in Glasgow that their piping programme, ‘Pipeline’, could be facing the chop, writes the Editor. A reliable source from the Beeb’s Pacific Quay HQ tells me that the weekly show hosted by Gary West may soon be no more, threatened along with other Radio Scotland stalwarts ‘Jazz Nights’ presented by Seonaid Aitken and ‘Classics Unwrapped’ hosted by singer and broadcaster…

Editor’s Notebook: SPA Veterans/ Competition Marches/ Chanter for Sale/ Strathallan Success

To the Piping Centre tonight to judge Scottish Pipers’ Association Veteran’s competition. SPA President Logan Tannock: ‘The members veteran’s competition is at 7pm tonight, Friday December 2, in the NPC McPhater Street. ‘If any member aged over 60 wants to enter then they should contact Secretary Melissa Jeffray at  melissajeffrey96@yahoo.co.uk. Entries also taken on the night. ‘If you qualify and would like to take part the playing criteria is a Slow…

Editor’s Notebook: Glasgow Skye/ Bobby’s Uniform/ Aberdeen Piping Club/ Bill Caudill/ New Books

That’s the spirit! In these gloomy times yesterday’s news that Glasgow Skye are back was just the lift the pipe band community needed. We’ve lost far too many bands over the years. Just look at the lists in Alistair Aitken’s article, also yesterday. Even in recent times we all know bands that have lost sponsorship or a pipe major or fallen out with the drum corps and bingo, they’re history….