Editor’s Notebook: 100 Pipers Band/ Results Mix Up/ PS Recital/ Piper Wanted/ Gold Medal Hero

Reader Gordon Smith: ‘I’ve sent you an old picture of the 100 Pipers Whisky pipe band taken outside a Chivas factory building in Paisley. I’m not sure if it’s a thread you would pursue. Pipe Major was the late Donnie Thomson, ex-Shotts, far left of pic. Leading drummer Alan Craig far right, with well known bass drummer Ian Macmillan in back row.’ Thanks very much for that Gordon. Would any…

Scottish Pipe Band Championships 2023 Review

I had long advocated for a change in the siting of the competition arenas at Dumbarton, so there was some satisfaction in discovering just that. No longer are the bands exposed to the full, raw blast from the Clyde estuary. Now they are snuggled away in Levengrove Park’s pleasant greenery, well protected from the elements.  The only disadvantage to the new Grade 1 circle is that the final tuning area…

Arisaig Games Results (updated)

A glorious, sunny day on the west coast with 21 playing in the seniors and five in the juniors. Overall Champion Piper was Fred Morrison (pictured) with Angus MacColl close behind. Piobaireachd1 Fred Morrison, Earl of Seafoth’s Salute2 Angus MacColl, Lament for Mary MacLeod3 Darach Urquhart, Rout of the Lowland Captain4 Angus MacPhee, Fair Honey5 Finlay Frame, Tulloch Ard March1 Angus MacColl2 Fred Morrison3 Andrew Hall4 Angus MacPhee S&R1 Angus…

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Braemar Junior Games

Braemar Junior Games was held on Saturday July 22nd on the famous King George V Park. This initiative by the Braemar Committee has been successful in giving youngsters knowledge and experience of the Highland Games and all it entails. Many aged 5-16 enjoyed the athletic events including sack and hill races, heavies, dancing and piping. Ballater, Newtonhill and Huntly Pipe Bands played throughout the afternoon. Piobaireachd: 1 Annabelle Charlton  2…

Tobermory Games Results

This small, traditional Highland games on the island of Mull celebrated its 100th anniversary yesterday in fine style. A large crowd, a large entry in the piping and only one rain shower. Duty band was Oban High School and Chieftain Sir Lachlan Maclean of Duart and Morvern. The programme blurb read: ‘Since 1923 on the ‘third Thursday after the first Monday in July’, Mull Highland Games have been held on…