RSPBA Drop Change of Date for the UK Championships, AGM Imminent

The RSPBA has dropped the idea of a switch in date for the UK Pipe Band Championships. They canvassed bands over a possible change from July 12 to May 3. Returns showed the majority were against. Many had already booked buses, hotels, flights to Ingliston’s Royal Highland Centre. Others thought it too early in the season and had other commitments that day. By the Editor It remains to be seen…

New Cameronians Book of Pipe Music

Connor Jardine, Dan Nevans and myself have been working on publishing a collection of pipe tunes based on Lanarkshire tunes/composers. We’re now ready to announce the book publicly. We have been researching music within the famous, but now defunct, Cameronians army regiment and the wider Lanarkshire community with the aim of collating and preserving the music, new and old, to create ‘The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Pipe Music Collection’. By Cameron…

Possible Change of Date for the UK Pipe Band Championships

The RSPBA is canvassing bands over a change of date for the UK Pipe Band Championships. These are due to be held at Ingliston’s Royal Highland Centre near Edinburgh on July 12. The date has raised considerable controversy. It clashes with important parades in the Northern Ireland band calendar. By the Editor It also comes during a traditional family holiday period with Scottish and Northern Irish schools closed during July….

Archie Kenneth Quaich Results and Report

This ever-popular amateur piobaireachd contest was held on 22nd February. This was our 33rd contest and for most of those years we have been the fortunate guests of the Royal Scottish Pipers Society (RSPS) in Edinburgh. If you haven’t been there, you may not know that they have excellent acoustics (especially the bar which is the final tuning room). The impressive collection of vintage piping photos on all the walls…

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Editor’s Notebook: Dollar Contest/ Lochaber Piping Society/ Cupar PB/ EUSPBA Rankings

I hear that Dollar Academy are once more running their popular and successful pipe band contest at the end of May. All grades and D/Ms are catered for I believe. Ample and picturesque grounds at the foot of the Ochils make a perfect setting for such an event. Reasonably easy to get to, the contest always attracts a large entry. If I were running the RSPBA I’d be on the…