The RSPBA has confirmed that the Friday of the Worlds (August 15) will be day for Juvenile and Novice contests. There will be no such contests on the Saturday.
The clarification comes after Piping Press reported a parent’s concern about the mooted change last Friday. He said there had been a lack of communication with band members and their parents and that the Friday move would alienate the children from their ‘heroes’ in the adult grades.
In a statement Jackie Allan of the Association’s Media and Marketing Committee said: ‘Following on from the 2024 Worlds, there has been a lengthy and detailed dialogue with pipe majors of Juvenile and Novice Juvenile bands.
‘The intent is to hold all their contests and their prize giving on the Friday. The Grade 1 Friday events will continue to be in Arena 1.
‘Additional arenas will be opened up for the heats and finals of the Juveniles and Novice. Spectators will have more to enjoy on the Friday, and it will make the ever-increasing number of bands in the adult contests easier to manage on the Saturday.’
Former Field Marshal Montgomery P/Sgt and RG Hardie & Co manager Alastair Dunn supported the RSPBA decision. In a comment to Piping Press he said: ‘I understand the parent’s concerns, but it is up to the pipe band community to support this idea.
‘Every pipe band enthusiast should make their way to the Green on Friday and support our kids. They are the future of pipe bands.
‘I would hope they are offered a significant discount on Saturday tickets to encourage attendance. Let’s make this day just as big and meaningful as the Saturday event.
‘It is a highlight for me to watch juvenile bands at all levels. These players and their teachers/leaders are a huge inspiration to me. We should make the winning bands playing off with their trophies as big a deal as we do for the Grade 1 winners.
‘There is a lot of pessimism around the future of pipe bands, but it is up to us to change the direction.’
But former Northern Ireland Branch official Mervyn Herron MBE wrote: ‘Please don’t shove the youngsters to the Friday; they are the future and should be celebrated and showcased on the main day.’

I should add that my preference is for the Worlds to be a single day event. But, if it is to be held over two days, then there should be more events on the Friday. The Friday has always lacked atmosphere.
Have RSPBA taken into account that a number of schools have already started back term by this date, therfore the children would need to be granted absence to compete.
Some adults who help tutor the bands are teaching staff and, therefore will not be available to attend on the Friday with the children.
Great point plus these bands have alot of support from parents friends and family
I would also add that, in reading the comments from Jackie Allan, it sounds as though the Juvenile grade will not be competing in the main arena. I know from first hand experience how big a thrill this is for the kids, and to have this taken away also is incredibly sad.
His most telling comment though is the final one; that it will make the Saturday easier to manage. This is real reason for the change, and not because anyone actually thinks it is good for the kids. A tacit admission that the RSPBA no longer have the wherewithal to run the Worlds properly.
Wishful thinking to expect more people to attend on the Friday who are not involved with the bands. Very few will take a day off work to see the juniors if they are not parents/supporters (who unfortunately WILL have to take a day off work).
Also wishful thinking to expect those same parents/supporters to fork out again the next day for more travel, food, tickets etc when they have no personal interest as their kids have already played the day before.
The Juvenile grade especially are fantastic and the top bands would give a few G2s a run for their money. To see them relegated to a warm-up competition like this, after all the hard work and dedication they put in throughout the year, is awful.
As Mervyn Herron points out, they are the future of pipe bands and should be able to share the biggest day in the pipe band world as they have always done.
I’m sure if the kids (and parents) themselves were asked (and not just the PMs), there would be an overwhelming majority to scrap this idea.
Don’t push the future to the Friday showcase the youth of tomorrow on the main day.
I support the move to the Friday for the Juvenile and novice grades. In part because of the symmetry, the foundation bands and the top flight bands showcased on the same day with a greater chance to interact with each other. Also this as you point out gives more reason for people to attend on the Friday
I personally enjoy listening to this grade which has presented a high quality of performance. I trust the wisdom in this article is taken onboard