Editor’s Notebook: Concert Formation/ Col Sutherland Award/ Scots Guards KO/ Florida Games

Concert formation has to be the way to go indoors and out

Not for the first time the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association is showing the way. They have enshrined into ‘law’ that bands competing indoors must do so in concert formation.

Their rules now state: ‘When approved by the Executive Committee, a band may form on a stage or field in a semi-circle formation facing the audience.

‘If at all possible, this contest will be held on a stage with all band competitors starting and ending in a stationary position. When possible, judges should be able to move freely around the band.  

‘If this is not possible, judges should evaluate each band from a similar position or pattern. All indoor competitions held on a stage will be held in concert formation from a standing start.

The emphasis is the EUSPBA’s. Note the freedom of movement for judges and the requirement that each band has to be assessed from a similar position or walking pattern.

This last is often not what we see at our major championships. Not all judges are guilty, but too many of them wander around in random fashion with different stopping points and distances for different bands.

Well done to EUSPBA President Bill Caudill and his board for shoe horning us a little more into the 21st century and away from the military, backside to the audience, custom and practice circle, and unchanged since the 1930s.

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Recognition for Col
Col Sutherland from Caithness has been attending the Northern Meeting at Inverness for more than 50 years. In a nice touch the NM has recognised his wonderful support. Col is seen here with NM committee members Sir Patrick Grant (l) and Bruce Hitchings (r) receiving his gift:

Col is a former Glasgow policeman and on retirement headed home to Caithness where he was a popular and successful hotelier. He was great friends with John D Burgess who regularly stayed with him on his forays north to judge at the games at Hallkirk.

John composed a poignant lament for Col’s late wife, Nancy’s Lullaby:

Scots Guards KO
Jimmy Banks: ‘Our next KO round is on 26th January between Callum Wynd and Bobby Allan. Usual 4pm start in the Scots Guards Club, Haymarket, Edinburgh. All welcome.’

Florida Quartets
Laura Romaine, Piping Convenor at the North East Florida Highland Games, has announced a new competition for piping quartets: ‘We have groups attending the Florida Pipe & Drum Academy who don’t have the numbers to enter for the band contest at the games so this quartet contest should prove popular with them.’ Laura is also looking for volunteers to help with stewarding. Contact her on laura_romine@yahoo.com. The games are on February 23rd.

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