Reader Neil Angus Gillies: ‘The passing of Major Jock Allan is sad news indeed. What’s missing from reports is mention of the years Major Allan spent teaching at George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh.
‘This was after he left the Army School of Piping, the school being located a stone’s throw from Edinburgh Castle. He was Chief Piping Instructor at Heriot’s throughout the 1990s and 2000s and every pupil that received tutelage from him has many fond memories.
‘Major Allan (‘May-Jay’ as he was known at Heriot’s) was a terrific piper, tutor and mentor for many of the boys in the band who started out their piping careers with his instruction. A special thank you to him from me and all of the Heriot’s FPs.’
Other tributes: The Army School of Piping – ‘Throughout his tenure from 1981 to 1990, Major Allan had a large impact on Army Piping and also to the world of bagpipe music, leaving behind a remarkable legacy that will be cherished.
‘Major John Allan will be remembered for his dedication and passion for piping and for his excellent tuition in bagpipe music as well as his leadership within the Queen’s Own Highlanders. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations of musicians and military personnel alike.’
Captain Stuart Samson, former Director of Army Bagpipe Music, commenting on the tune composed for Major Allan by Niall Matheson: ‘Lovely piobaireachd for a true gentleman. I had the privilege of completing my Pipe Major’s Course under his leadership and learnt so much from John.’
William Taylor: ‘When I joined the Army 1989 I had the privilege of meeting the then Captain John Allan Director of Army Bagpipe Music. I auditioned to join the pipes and drums at the old school at Edinburgh Castle.
‘I didn’t have pipes, only my practice chanter and had the honour of playing Capt. Allan’s pipe. That was a very momentous day in my life just before joining the Army. I thank him for the guidance he gave me. A fitting piobaireachd to a great man.’
MacLean Highland Gathering
Scott Nicholson reports: The 119th MacLean Highland Gathering was held at the showgrounds in the small Scottish town of Maclean in northern New South Wales.
It is one of the largest gatherings in Australia and is run by the Lower Clarence Scottish Association over Easter. It’s a full weekend of events including a street ceilidh, Highland dancing, heavy events, bands, solo piping and drumming.
A strong field of 19 competed in the A grade solo piping:
Piob.: 1 Liam Nicolson, Lament for the Children 2 Jamie Hawke 3 Jack Watson
MSR: 1 Jack Watson 2 Jamie Hawke 3 Andrew Roach
H&J: 1 Craig Sked 2 Liam Docherty 3 Jamie Hawke

Band results:
G2: 1 St Andrews (QLD) 2 Emmanuel College 3 Pipe Band Club
G3: 1 City of Ipswich 1 2 Brisbane Boys College 1 3 BBC Old Collegians
G4A: 1 Brisbane Boys College 1 2 City of Brisbane 1 3 City of Ipswich 2
G4B: 1 Queensland Police Juv. 2 Queensland Irish 3 MacLean & Dist.
Nov. Juv. B: 1 Queensland Police Juv. 2 Brisbane Boys College 2
Judges: G Barker, G Brown, J Fleming, D Gray, T McGirr, D MacPhee, B Switala, S Young.