Scottish Pipe Band Launch Funding Plea after Extensive Flood Damage Ruins Practice Hall

Craig Black, Pipe Major of the City of Brechin Pipe Band (above), has been in touch following the recent flooding disaster in the Angus area of Scotland. 

He writes: ‘Our band is the oldest civilian pipe band having been formed in 1878. We are a self-funded band which provides free tuition for all ages and practice once a week at our hall.

‘The flooding in Brechin caused by Storm Babet has caused damage and disruptions to so many homes and businesses and I really feel for those who have had to leave their homes. 

‘Also severely affected is the practice hall that has been used by the City of Brechin Pipe Band for decades. The hall is going to be unusable for a considerable amount of time.

Check out some of the damage….


‘Some items of kit have been damaged and some drums have water in them – drums which were put on tops of tables thinking they would be safe.

‘Electric heaters and electrical outlets have been submerged in almost three feet of water making them unsafe to use just now also. Wooden floors are starting to warp due to the water content and we don’t know what it will be like behind walls.

‘We have started the clean up but with us all having full time jobs it will be a slow process. The building is owned by the local council so we really need guidance from them as well on insurance claims etc. They are visiting the hall today. The band has insurance cover for kit and equipment.

‘With no hall we will have to cancel our fundraising bingo nights and also look for an alternative hall for practice and lessons. We are appealing to all our supporters near and far to help raise much needed funds to get things back to normal. We appreciate that many local people will be affected by the flooding.’

Pipe Major David Wilton of Fife Police said: ‘I would really appreciate any help for this band. I grew up in the band and have a lot of fantastic memories in this hall. Hopefully it can be salvaged!’

Craig and the band have set up a crowdfunding appeal for £10,000. Contribute here.

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