The twenty-fifth annual amateur Piobaireachd competition for the Archie Kenneth Quaich will take place on Saturday, 4th March 2017, in the rooms of The Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society, 127 Rose Street Lane South, Edinburgh, starting at 10am.
Entries and enquiries to Alan Forbes, 24 Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6BN. Tel: 0131-337 4094 or
Competitors should submit two tunes with their entries, one of which they will be asked to play. Competitors may not submit any tune with which they have previously won first prize in the competition.
Conditions for eligibility are as follows:
- Competitors must be aged twenty or over.
- Competitors must be amateur pipers.
- In particular, the following are not eligible:
- holders of the Army School of Piping’s Pipe Major Certificate;
- anyone who has won a prize in open competition or who has, within the past five years, taken part in open competition;
- anyone who has taken part in public recitals with professional players.
- Anyone in doubt about their eligibility to play should contact the
competition organiser for advice.
In the event that there are significantly more than 25 entries the competition may be run as two heats with a final of three or four from each heat, the finalists being required to play the tunes not chosen for them in the heats. This is to enable as many competitors as possible to take part.
Judges for the event will be Bruce Hitchings and William Morrison. Invited adjudicators do the job for two years. Mr Hitchings and Mr Morrison presided in 2016. The picture below is of the presentation to the 2016 winner Kirsten MacDonald.
The RSPBA has announced that band fees are now due for the 2017 season. They are: UK Novice Juvenile or Juvenile Band £192.00; UK Adult Band £216.00; Non UK Novice Juvenile or Juvenile Band £80.00; Non UK Adult Band £90.00. Reminder for UK Bands: Payment is due by 30th November 2016. Late payment will incur a penalty of 20% of the current registration fee. Get more info here.
The Association has also announced that tickets for the World Drumming are now available. You can order them here. For those taking part, entries close on Friday 1st October 2016. Enter here. The RSPBA website reports: For Juvenile entrants, please note the age, grade and playing requirements which are as follows for both events
Age Requirements
Juvenile Section 1: Age at 1st NOVEMBER 2015 under 14 years (registered Novice Juvenile A or B or Grade 4A or 4B)
Juvenile Section 2: Age at 1st NOVEMBER 2015 14, 15, 16, 17 years (registered Novice Juvenile A or B or Grade 4A or 4B)
Juvenile Section 3: Age at 1st NOVEMBER 2015 under 14 years (registered Juvenile, Grade 3, Grade 2 or Grade 1)

Juvenile Section 4: Age at 1st NOVEMBER 2015 14, 15 years (registered Juvenile, Grade 3, Grade 2 or Grade 1)
Juvenile Section 5: Age at 1st NOVEMBER 2015 16, 17 years (registered Juvenile, Grade 3, Grade 2 or Grade 1)
Playing Requirements
Juvenile Section 1,2: Eight parts of Quick March, Tempo in 2/4 Time Signature (Tunes from RSPBA approved list)
Juvenile Section 3,4,5: March, Strathspey and Reel, each tune a minimum of four parts, to be played without stopping in between tunes.
Adults entering the World Solo Drumming must be aged over 18 years on 1st NOVEMBER 2015.
The World Adult Final is an engaging event for both pipers and drummers with some superb musicianship on show. Have a listen to P/M Stuart Liddell and his leading drummer winning the top award in 2014. Click here.
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