Following on from yesterday’s story on the new P/M RG Hardie Memorial Trophy, we have uncovered the above picture from the PP archives.
It is of the Massed Bands at Pitlochry Highland Games and must be from the late 1960s. In those days bands formed up in two files, a Pipe Major leading one and a Pipe Sergeant the other. P/M Hardie is far left. To his right in the front rank is P/M Alex Kiddie of the BP Grangemouth band, and to his left comes P/Sgt Davy Hutton of Muirheads. We cannot identify the piper half covered by the drum major’s mace or indeed the Drum Major. Other pipers: Behind P/M Kiddie are Muirheads pipers John Finlay and Robert Richardson. Behind P/Sgt Hutton are Muirheads pipers Jimmy Anderson and possibly Ronnie Motion. The very small piper just seen in the gap to the right may be a very young Harry King of Dysart & Dundonald Pipe Band.
The Gordon Castle Highland Games and Country Fair took place on Sunday 15 May, 2016.
1 Edward Gaul, Lament for the Viscount of Dundee.
2 John MacDonald, Tulloch Ard
3 Michael Laing, Melbank’s Salute
4 Gordon Barclay, MacLeod of Rassay’s Salute.
5 Steve Spencer, MacLeods’ Salute.
1 John MacDonald
2 Steve Spencer
3 Edward Gaul
4 Michael Laing
5 Gordon Barclay
1 John MacDonald
2 Edward Gaul
3 Gordon Barclay
4 Steve Spencer
5 Michael Laing
1 John MacLaren
2 Tom Spencer
1 John MacLaren
2 Dillon Finnie
3 Matthew Moir
1 John MacLaren
2 Dillon Finnie
3 Angus Robertson
All competitions were judged by
James Hamilton and Duncan Watson.
New letters posted today. The first is on Pipe Music of WW1 and a request for author Colin Campbell, and the second from Robert Burns in California who is trying to trace possible ancestors. Read them here.
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