Historic Pictures of Irish Pipe Bands Needing Identification

Yesterday’s story about the Fintan Lalor and Robert Armstrong Pipe Bands has proved popular and generated quite a bit of response including an email and a set of pictures from Mr David McFall. David writes: ‘Recently my mum was rummaging through old memorabilia and came across photos of the Robert Armstrong Memorial Pipe Band which my grandfather was a member. I was just browsing to see if anything still existed…

The Fints and the Armstrong – Irish Bands Who Crossed the Divide

Piping Press recently published an album cover of a recording made by the famous Fintan Lalor Pipe Band from Dublin when under the direction of P/M Tim Keogh. We asked if PP readers could help us identify the personnel in the historic photograph. Grateful thanks to senior pipe band adjudicator P/M Harry Stevenson and to Mrs Anne Mordaunt for responding to our request….. By P/M Harry Stevenson, RSPBA Adjudicator I…

National Piping Centre Absorb College Amid Boardroom Changes

The absorption of the College of Piping into the National Piping Centre behemoth is well underway as the above picture shows, the new signage appearing shortly after the official takeover on May 1, writes the Editor. The College is now referred to as ‘The NPC Otago Street’ and work is underway to combine the two shop websites. For the moment prices are being standardised up or down (usually slightly up)…

PP Ed’s Blog: Judging Pupils/ Craig’s Book/Piob Concert/ Inverness Recital/ Black Watch Book

At risk of boring everyone rigid, myself included, I repeat again that I do not have any problem with suitably qualified individuals being part of a judging bench when they have a student playing provided the usual declaration of interest is observed. Senior pipers must judge AND teach if we are to keep producing our Gordon Walkers, our Stuart Liddells, the Angus MacColls.  However, it sticks in the craw rather…

Closkelt Continue on Victorious Way at the Mid Ulsters

Report and results by Andrew Cromie  Pics by Brian Hasson, Norman Bell and Alan Cupples Closkelt continued their magnificent start to the 2018 pipe band season with another dominant performance, this time at the Mid Ulster Pipe Band Championships held last Saturday, June 2.  Cookstown High School provided the venue but it was the Co Down band that was the toast of Co Tyrone on a fine day with lots…