Be a Better Piper – How to Practice Your Pipes in a Flat or Apartment

South Africa correspondent Nicholas Taitz has devised what may be a new practice idea for those unable to play their pipes because they live in a flat or apartment. There must be many hundreds worldwide with this problem. Nicholas writes… I recently came up with what I think is  a very effective practice idea for the big pipes. Like many pipers, I don’t have a venue available late at night…

Chicago Tribune Row/ 1844 Prize Pipe Winners

Reader Nicholas Taitz has sent a copy of a letter he has submitted to the  Chicago Tribune following their recent controversial comments on piping and pipe bands: ‘I am a keen piper, and I was very much offended by your article as above.  The article is pejorative in the extreme about the bagpipes, which those of us who know them call the ‘pipes’.  Your writer clearly has limited acquaintance with piping,…