UK Championships Picture Gallery/ Cadet Pipes & Drums Contest Report

We are grateful to photographer John Kelly for these shots from Saturday’s UK Pipe Band Championships held at Stormont, Belfast. In what was a very successful day, local band Field Marshal Montgomery of Lisburn were placed first in Grade 1 – and they also took the drumming title. Leading drummer Keith Orr and P/M Richard Parkes are pictured above.  Scottish bands were to the fore in Grade Two with the…

Weekend of Recitals and Concerts/ Cadet Pipes & Drums Beat the Retreat

An important weekend of concerts and recitals tonight and tomorrow. Tonight sees Christopher Armstrong play in the Tulloch Castle Hotel in a recital organised by the Inverness Piping Society. Time: 7 for 7.30 tickets at the door; all welcome. Tomorrow we have the Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipes Band in concert in the Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen. This is sure to be a great night if the Boggies previous concerts are…