VE Day Commemoration – Tears for Piper George Morrison, Black Watch

One of the most touching moments in the VE Day commemoration concert at the weekend came when actress Jane Horrocks wept whilst reading the last letter home of Lieutenant George F Morrison of the 7th Battalion of the Black Watch.  Lt. Morrison was a piper and talks of going into battle ‘happy as a cricket’ with his ‘chanter in his knapsack’. He was from Crieff in Perthshire the son of Andrew…

Pipes and President John F Kennedy’s Funeral

Today sees the publication of the second instalment of our feature on President John F Kennedy and his affection for the pipes and pipe bands. This time the author, Lt Col Robert Keith Gunther, looks at the role the bagpipe played in the President’s funeral following the tragic events in Dallas, Texas, 51 years ago this weekend. Read the full story here.

JFK and the Bagpipe

  Today we publish the first excerpt of a feature on US President John F Kennedy and his association with the bagpipe and pipe bands. It is a fascinating read, and we are grateful to author Lt. Col. Robert Gunther for his work for It is apposite that we publsih it this weekend, the 51st anniversary of the assassination of a much-loved US President. Check out the pictures and…