Young Pipers and Drummers Film/ Jack Joins South Florida Academy/ Balmoral Schools Schedule

Organisers of the European Pipe Band Championships ‘Piping at Forres’ are creating a short film featuring young pipers and drummers. The film will include interviews with the under 25s explaining how and why they got involved in a band. The documentary will be used to promote the European Pipe Band Championships which will be held in Forres for the last time in June 2018 after a six-year run in the Moray…

PP Editor’s Blog: New England Academy/ Scottish PB Champs/ Jack in the US/ RSPS Dates etc

Following the considerable success of the first New England Piping Academy, dates for 2016 have been announced early – with an enhanced programme. The Academy will run from June 14 -19, 2016, inclusive at the Adelynrood Retreat, Byfield MA, the same venue as this year’s camp. Responding to requests from attendees, the camp has been extended to five days from the afternoon of the 14th till before lunch on the 19th….