Uist & Barra 2024 Results

This competition was held today, March 9, at the old College of Piping building in Otago Street, Glasgow. Pipers were given their tunes one week in advance. There was a large and appreciative audience throughout the day. Ten invited pipers competed. Ceòl Mòr, Glasgow Highland Club Medal1 Callum Beaumont, £220, (above), Donald Gruamach’s March2 William McCallum, £175, Earl of Ross’s March3 Alasdair Henderson, £110, Bells of Perth4 Iain Speirs, £85, Nameless-Cherede…

Editor’s Notebook: PPBSO Suspension/ Watson’s Contest/ Florida Academy/ Lewis Recital

The Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario have suspended one of their prominent members for 12 months, according to several reliable sources. I understand the suspension is in response to this individual’s consistently belligerent attitude towards the RSPBA with whom the Society have always had a good working relationship. The Society has been embarrassed into taking action but are refusing to discuss it. Well done to them for keeping…

Editor’s Notebook: John Burgess Gold Medal/ Recordings Mystery Solved/ Jimmy McIntosh Memorial/ Reminders

Referencing my earlier post about young lowlander Norman Graham being denied a place at the Northern Meeting in 1970, it occurred that special dispensation must have been given to John Burgess two decades earlier. We all know that John was the youngest ever winner of the Gold Medal when he was awarded the coveted prize in 1950 playing Castle Menzies. Twenty years later young Norman, also 16, was denied the…

Editor’s Notebook: Feedback from Judges/ Pipe Band Championships/ Metro Amateurs/ Angus Recital/ U&B and Oban Festival Dates

The points raised in our discussion on accountability of judges are important. All pipers deserve to know why, after all their hard work, they did or did not make a prize list. Senior adjudicators should be prepared to write crit sheets, even if they are reticent about writing articles. Not everyone has the required literary skill. There is also this letter from New Zealander Graeme Glass: ‘I had such a…

Juggernaut Pipe Bands – Readers Reply

Response to the comments by David Cross earlier this week on this subject have been broadly favourable. Looking at all of the views since this subject was aired on Piping Press several weeks ago, the broad consensus is that the RSPBA needs to act. Pruning the sizes of the mega bands would be of benefit to the broader movement. We are disappointed that some readers are afraid to put their…