Editor’s Notebook: Juvenile Bands/ Piper Appeal/ Morar Games/ Renfrew Band Appeal/ Ken Eller

We don’t give prominence to anonymous commentary unless it has some sense or truth about it. Here’s one on the dearth of bands in our Juvenile grade. We received it this week following Alistair Aitken’s review of the Scottish Championships: ‘Until those running the best Novice A bands have the courage to accept promotion when it’s awarded, I think the Juvenile category will remain fairly sparse. ‘A few observations to…

Scottish Pipe Band Championships Review Part 2

At the Editor’s request I have recorded some thoughts on the Grade 1 performances at the Scottish Championships from a drumming and ensemble perspective.  I would emphasise that the views expressed are personal.  I was standing in a position at the head of the bands.  It is quite possible that things could have been happening at the drum corps end of the bands which I would not see or hear…

Scottish Pipe Band Championships: Grade 1 Review Part 1

I have railed already about the dearth of good strathspeys among our bands. At Dumbarton, some pipe corps fought manfully against the 12/8 drumming tide, notably Inveraray, the Power, and Field Marshal, but the ‘band strath’ was in evidence throughout the Grade 1 contest. The other great carbuncle on the handsome face of today’s bands is a form of tune soup, or melody salad, that we are hearing at the…

Inveraray Are Scottish Pipe Band Champions

Inveraray are the 2024 Scottish Champions after a high standard Medley contest at a warm Levengrove Park, Dumbarton. The win gave P/M Stuart Liddell his first championship of the season. There was free admission for the public and a good crowd. One hundred and thirty-two bands took part. Full results below. G1: 1 Inveraray2 Boghall3 Fife Pol.4 SLOT5 FMM6 S Power with the drumming going to Inveraray. Each band had to…

Editor’s Notebook: Scottish Championships/ Aboyne Games/ Zampogna in Edinburgh/ Hawai’i Pipers

All roads lead to Dumbarton tomorrow for the third major of the pipe band season. Weather is looking pretty good (for the west of Scotland), with perhaps a few showers early on; dry by the March Past. A highly respectable 132 bands have entered for what will be the 25th Scottish Championships to be held under the shadow of the Rock. The sponsors, West Dunbarton Council deserve all credit for…