Ed’s Notes: Painting Challenge/ Lockdown/ Disinfectant/ Space Station Piper

Mull-based artist John Archbold has submitted the above for our lockdown painting challenge. John writes: ‘A piper friend of mine wondered if I would be interested in entering. So here it is. Title – The Chief’s Piper at Duart Castle; Medium – Mixed Media; Size – A2 (59 x 40 cm approx.). The piper is Calum MacLean, Tobermory.‘ John’s bio reads: ‘John Archbold DA (b. 1954) Studied at Glasgow School…

Remembering the Heroes of St Valery – On This Day in 1940

Eighty years ago today, at St Valery-en-Caux, France, men of the 20,000 strong 51st Highland Division surrendered to German forces under the command of Major General Erwin Rommel. The division had fought almost continuously for ten days against overwhelming odds. Exhausted and out of ammunition, they were surrounded by vastly superior forces. Rescue by sea from the coastal town proved impossible. The Division’s valiant effort bought time for the British Expeditionary…

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Editor’s Notes: Post Covid Bands/ NPC Talk/ NPC Gathering/ Janette’s Tune/ Reedmaker Search

It was heartening to read of the RSPBA’s determination to get band contests moving again in 2021. As John Hughes the Chairman said, everything must be done to restore our band tradition to its rightful place in our cultural life. I was interested in his reference to band formations. Wouldn’t it be ironic if it took the tragedy of this pandemic to get bands to change from the old fashioned…

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Editor’s Notebook: Band Virus Fears/ Oban Tune Contest/ Online Contests/ Tune for Stephen/ Worlds Painting

I’m rather concerned for the future of the pipe band movement. I read yesterday about the threat to choirs and other musical groupings. They won’t be able to play or sing indoors ‘in the foreseeable future’ said this particular gloomster. And this was in England, not in we-can-out-Lockdown-the-world Scotland. Add to that this week’s outburst from the Visit Scotland agency. They are calling into question outdoor festivals and events happening…

Donald MacPherson, Mary MacLeod and P/M JB Robertson

We had a very well attended piobaireachd tutorial the other night as part of the Piobaireachd Society’s ‘Talk Piobaireachd’ series, writes the Editor. The tune I went through was the peerless Lament for Mary MacLeod and amongst other things I spoke of how it was so very difficult to play properly. Indeed I don’t think I have heard it truly mastered with any consistency. Anyway, we then got on, inevitably,…