Opinion: The New Silver Medal Qualification Process

By Duncan Watson With 60 to 70 pipers qualified to enter Silver Medal competitions and only 30 or less to be accepted, it follows that around 40 will be denied the opportunity of playing, assuming they all wish to take part. Has this log jam been a failure of the previously applied grading criteria? Are there really that many pipers of suitable standard to enter SM competitions?  The recent announcement…

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A Review of the 2018 Northern Meeting Silver Medal

The audience at the Inverness Silver Medal 2018, although small, was bigger than in recent years – perhaps because the set tunes for this competition were thought more interesting than those set for the Gold Medal, both competitions running  simultaneously. The room at Eden Court Theatre was a bit small but the acoustics were good.   MacCrimmon’s Sweetheart Four played this tune. It has been a very popular piece and…

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