News from Across the Water: Bill Livingstone Remembered/ Waterford Solos/ St Patrick’s Day/ Drumlough 75th/ MacDonald Solos/ Video Archive

Bill and the 78th on stage at Ballymena 1987

Many local pipe band enthusiasts were sad to hear of the passing of Pipe Major Bill Livingstone. Bill will ever be associated with his leadership of the 78th Fraser Highlanders from Ontario, Canada.

He brought the band to Scotland in the early 1980s and in 1987 they went on to become the first from overseas to win the World Championships. Several days before that iconic event the band played in the County Hall, Ballymena, at a concert entitled ‘Live in Ireland’. It was recorded and became the largest selling pipe band recording ever.

By Gilbert Cromie, Northern Ireland Correspondent

It was one of those ‘I was there moments’, and it inspired many of our local bands, especially Field Marshal Montgomery. Bill brought the band back to play their ’Flame of Wrath’ concert in the Ulster Hall in 1998, organised by the Omagh based Eden Pipe Band. During this time the 78th made friends with many locals who would be affected by the Omagh bombing atrocity later that week.

When the band issued what I believe was their last recording under Bill, ‘Cascade’, it included a haunting song written and performed by him entitled Seskinore/Omagh, a tribute to the victims who we have been reminded of recently through the ongoing inquiry. 

Bill, far right, at the Blackthorn Pipers in 2017 with Harry Stevenson (l) and P/M Graeme Harris

Waterford Solos
The village of Ardmore County Waterford was the setting for three piping competitions last month. The Irish Qualifier Final of the European Knock Out competition took place in the Round Tower Hotel with finalists Jodi Fanthom, Jack Boyle, Michael Milner and Gary Stephenson. Gary was the winner and will get to play in the EKO Final in Germany in 2026.

The following day the Ardmore Cup Under 12 Practice Chanter section was won by Cleland Memorial member Harry Bell Hamilton. Harry won a set of pipes – an outstanding prize. He is a regular at the Blackthorn Society’s monthly sessions and is developing into a very fine player. His Cleland Memorial colleague Ben Cardy won this section and a set of pipes last year. Drumlough’s Henry Spencer won both the under 14 piping  and under 16 piping. Part of his prize included vouchers for McCallum Bagpipes, a superb prize for any piper to receive. 

The main Ardmore Cup Invitation Contest took place in St Declan’s Village Hall and was won by Finlay Johnston. Full results have been posted earlier on Piping Press.

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Ayrshire Bagpipes Nov 2020
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PB ensemble ad – Feb 2025

Anniversary Concert: Drumlough Pipe Band’s 75th Anniversary Concert takes place this Saturday, March 8th, in Hillsborough Presbyterian Church Hall at 7.30pm. There will be performances from the host band, group Wookalilly, poet Roy Ferguson, Kathryn Stewart Highland Dancers, Ormeau Concert Band, Aughnaskeagh Silver Band, Scott Wallace, Ian Burrows, and Closkelt. Tickets priced £15 are available through the band’s Facebook page, Country Choice, Bridge Street, Dromore, or by emailing The band is grateful to Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council for their support.

Drumlough…celebrating 75 years

Juvenile Solos: McDonald Memorial are holding a Juvenile Solo Competition on Saturday 22nd March in Dromore High School, Novice Practice Chanter and Drum Pad up to Under 18 Piping and Drumming will catered for. Entries close this Saturday, 8th March. Any queries to Vikki Singer at The entry form is on the band’s Facebook page. This will be a good warm-up for pipers and drummers ahead of the Ulster Solos on 12th April.

Belfast St Patrick’s Day: On March 15th a pipe band extravaganza will take place in the city. Firstly, at the Cathedral Gardens (12pm – 1pm) and 2 Royal Avenue (1pm – 2pm), we have a massed pipe band led by P/M Graeme Harris. Later, at 3pm, we have the Belfast TradFest Highland Piping Solos at The MAC, 10 Exchange St. West, Belfast. Pipers include Ashley McMichael, Kris Coyle, Reece Doherty, Alastair Donaghy, Sean Maloney, and Alan Glenholmes. First prize earns a place in the renowned MacCrimmon Trophy at the Interceltique Festival de Lorient, Brittany. Each competitor will perform a 6-8 minute Irish-inspired medley. The winning prize includes return flights from Dublin to Lorient, accommodation and meals.

Sean Maloney will be vying for a place at Lorient

Band History: Fans of the Northern Ireland pipe band movement will be interested to learn that the well- known piper Rodney Brownlee used half term to digitise some of his old band videos and they can now be found on Facebook. It really is a trip down memory lane as the archive features many bands that are not now competing, and others that sadly no longer exist.

The first series of films, from the 1994 Mini Bands in Banbridge High School, feature bands such as Ballycoan, Monkstown Mossley, Killeen, Quinn Memorial. There then follows a half hour recording of the Grade 1 bands at the 1998 contest in Ahoghill featuring McNeillstown, Pipes & Drums of the RUC, Field Marshal Montgomery, Ravara and Eden.

A number of videos from the 1998 County Down Championships in Banbridge reveal how innovative the County Down Section was, as the bands trialled the concert formation. Many congratulations to Rodney for this excellent initiative which I know pipe band fans will thoroughly enjoy.

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