An overcast day [Aug.4] with a cold wind at times. The rain held off until the last few competitors finished their H&J. A total of 17 competed in the Open competitions. Champion Piper was Decker Forrest (pictured above).
Piob: 1 Sandy Cameron 2 Josh Chandler 3 Decker Forrest 4 Fraser Allison 5 Liam Nicolson

1 Finlay Cameron
2 Decker Forrest
3 Piers Dover
4 Louis Davis
1 Decker Forrest
2 Liam Nicolson
3 Finlay Cameron
4 Scott MacLean
1 Decker Forrest
2 Sandy Cameron
3 Finlay Cameron
4 Scott MacLean
Junior March: 1 Seonaidh Forrest 2 Lily Robertson 3 Calum MacNeil
Junior S&R: 1 Seonaidh Forrest 2 Calum MacNeil 3 Lily Robertson
Judges: R Lightfoot, I MacFadyen.