This solo juvenile competition its organised by the RSPBA’s Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch. It was held at the Association’s Washington Street HQ. Sponsors were McCallum Bagpipes and Wallace Bagpipes.
The adjudicator was Ian Plunkett former P/M of Strathclyde Police Pipe Band. Trophies were presented by Rachel from the RSPBA Office.
Juvenile 1
1 Ran Birch-George, George Heriot’s
2 Lachlan Rennie, MacKenzie Caledonian
3 Arran Brown, Kintyre Schools
4 Charles Mack, Preston Lodge School
Juvenile 2
1 Peter MacKay, Renfrew Schools
2 Andrew Pattison, Glasgow Skye Association
3 Ewan Allan, West Lothian Schools
4 Aaron Hughes, Renfrew Schools