It should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone that her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II stepped in to stave off any threat to the Army School of Piping in Edinburgh.
Her initiative came to light this week in a podcast interview with former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. He revealed that during an audience, Her Majesty challenged him on rumours of financial cuts at the school.
Osborne feigned ignorance but when he returned to the Treasury asked the important question his underlings, ‘Are we closing the Army’s piping school.’
‘No, but there are some cuts, Minister.’
‘No there aren’t’, said Osborne.
Ever since Queen Victoria stated that she ‘meant to have piper’ our instrument has benefited greatly from royal patronage. Queen Elizabeth granted Royal status to the RSPBA; she was the late patron of the Piobaireachd Society. Every day she awoke to the inspiring strains of the piob mhor. And she knew her tunes. More than one Sovereign’s Piper was challenged for repetitive repertoire. ‘Brose and Butter’ every morning ‘neath the balcony just did not cut it.
SLOT Headgear
We’ve been having a fine time over at the Northern Winter School in Germany where leading drummer Stephen Creighton has taken the opportunity of showing of St Laurence O’Toole’s new bonnets:

Rather fetching I would say and a great improvement on the ubiquitous glen G. He wears it well does the Mighty Creighton and it hides the worry lines on the ol’ prow of the brow.
Terry Lee has asked all customers and suppliers to note the change in his company’s address. It is now: Tartantown Ltd., 708 – 2071 Kingsway Ave., Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada V3C 6N2
Drum Request
Murray Roodt: ‘I am writing to you from South Africa, where I serve as the master in charge of the St Andrews College Pipe Band. Over the past two years, we have witnessed a significant surge in interest among our students in the school band. This increased interest has led to a shortage of drums in our inventory. As a result, we are actively seeking a second-hand set of drums to expand our instrument collection.

‘I was wondering if you might be able to point me in the right direction or connect me with individuals or organizations who could assist us in acquiring a second-hand drum set. Any information or assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.’ If anyone can help Murray please contact him at M.Roodt@sacschool.com.
Vimeiro Piper

David Livingstone writes: ‘The piper in your Battle of Vimeiro piece was apparently named George Clarke (or Clark or Clerk) and was famous in his day – there are a number of paintings of him playing his pipes after being wounded, and one print of him with the silver mounted pipes presented to him after the battle by the the Highland Society, which describes them as engraved with “Presented to George Clarke, piper of the 71st as a mark of the Society’s approbation of his spirited & laudable conduct at the battle of Vimerio Aug 21st 1808, in continuing to play upon his pipes to animate the men after being himself severely wounded” (presumably in very small writing).
The Bagpiper’s Handbook…a must have for all pipers
Precisely why pipers across the piping world respected and admired the late queen and referred to her by the title “the good” Queen !