Severe Weather Forces American Pipe Band Championships Indoors

Please find attached the results for the American Pipe Band Championships, held yesterday in Norfolk, Virginia, writes Andrew Carlisle.

We unfortunately had to hold the event indoors, inside Scope Arena due to unsafe weather conditions – very high winds, so strong that bike rack / barriers and metal bleachers (seating) were blowing over and tents were taking flight.

Later in the day, around the time of the massed bands and results, there were thunderstorms.  All of the bands were glad we had the luxury of having the indoor venue. 

The last competition of the day was a drum fanfare competition featuring all eight competing drum corps. The winners, winning a plaque and $1000, were Ottawa Police Service under the direction of leading drummer Joe Kiah.

As the American Pipe Band Championship is part of a Military Tattoo, the first band awards were for marching and deportment, and were judged by D/M Robert McCutcheon, 1st Btn. Scots Guards.

Best M&D Grade 3: Carnegie Mellon University
Best M&D Grade 2: Ottawa Police

Grade Three American Champions 2023
1 Carnegie Mellon University, J. Scott Jackson trophy and $1500
2 Saint Columcille United Gaelic, a shield and $1000
3 Siren City, a shield and $500
4 MacMillan Birtles, a shield
Best Drums: Carnegie Mellon, by ajudicator preference
Best MSR: Carnegie Mellon
Best Medley: Carnegie Mellon

Grade Two American Champions 2023
1 Ulster Scottish, Jim Hixon trophy and $2000
2 MacMillan, a shield and $1000
3 Ottawa Police Service, a shield and $500
4 Carnegie Mellon, winning a shield 
Best Drums: Ulster Scottish
Best MSR: Ulster Scottish
Best Medley: Ulster Scottish

Thank you to the eight judges: Scott Walker, Duncan Millar and Jim Sim (US), Bob Worrall, Michael Grey and Alec MacIntyre (Canada), Ross McCrindle (UK), James Murray (Australia).

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