After ten years of covering pipe band events and competitions John Kelly (RSPBANI Honorary Vice-President) has decided to pack away the Nikon D3 camera, hang up the now familiar straw hat and retire from the pipe band scene. In concluding this ‘Review of 2017’ John would like to thank his many pipe band and drum major friends for many special memories and wish them every success in 2018.
January (pic above): Northern Ireland Drum Majors Brian Wilson MBE and Lauren Hanna pictured heading up the massed pipe bands at the Glasgow Tattoo on Saturday 21st. Included is Glasgow Tattoo Pipe Major Alan Barr, Ravara Pipe Band (right in front row).
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The Editor writes: Well, thanks for the memories John. You have been a great servant to pipe bands in the Province and I hope there is someone ready to step forward to fill your expert shoes. As you know, journalism ain’t easy, but I must say you have been the model professional and I am sure Northern Ireland’s bands will appreciate all you have done for them in publicising their activities at your own expense over so many years.
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