This popular contest was held today at the College of Piping in Glasgow. Veteran winner was Andrew Frater. Veterans (over 60) play a two part slow-air and a four part march consecutively . Andrew played Leaving Lismore and Kantara to El Arish.
The picture above shows some of the competitors on stage at the conclusion of today’s event.
1 Andrew Frater
2 Brian Mulhearn
3 Graham Alexander
Best slow air Brian Mulhearn. No over 80s took part this year so no prize awarded.
1 Gregor McCulloch
2 Stewart Gaudin
3 Stephen Whitton
1 Stewart Gaudin
2 Robert Wilson
3 Gregor McCulloch

1 Stewart Gaudin
2 Gregor McCulloch
3 Janette Greenwood
Overall winner: Stewart Gaudin
Judge was Neil Mulvie
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