Inveraray & District Pipe Band, P/M Stuart Liddell, were the champion band at this new contest held yesterday. Fife Police were runners-up and also won a $1000 drum fanfare prize.
Grade 2 went to New York Metro. The competition was staged as part of the Virginia International Tattoo 2016, April 21 -24, and held at Scope Plaza, Norfolk.
Grade One:
American Champions 2016
First Place winning the J. Scott Jackson Trophy and $2500: Inveraray and District Pipe Band
Second Place winning a shield and $1000: Police Scotland-Fife Pipe Band
Third Place winning a shield and $500: Toronto Police Pipe Band

Best Drum Corps, winning a shield and a prize from Innovative Percussion: Inveraray and District Pipe Band
Best Piping: Inveraray and District Pipe Band
Best MSR: Inveraray and District Pipe Band
Best Medley Selection: Inveraray and District Pipe Band

Grade Two:
First Place winning the Jim Hixon Trophy and $2500: New York Metro Pipe Band
Second Place winning a shield and $1000: MacMillan Pipe Band
Third Place winning a shield and $500: Great Lakes Pipe Band
Best Drum Corps, winning a shield and prize pack from Innovative Percussion: MacMillan Pipe Band
Best Piping: New York Metro
Best MSR: New York Metro
Best Medley Selection: New York Metro

Drum Fanfare Competition winning $1,000 and special gift pack provided by Innovative Percussion: Police Scotland – Fife Pipe Band
As part of a military tattoo, the first band awards are for marching and deportment and was judged by Senior Drum Major Robert McCutheon, 1st Battalion Scots Guards
Best Marching and Deportment Grade One: Police Scotland-Fife
Best Marching and Deportment Grade Two: Great Lakes

Grade One MSR
Piping: Andrew Carlisle, Ian Duncan, David, Hilder, Michael, Grey
Drumming: Mark Wilson, Jon Quigg
Ensemble: Nat Russell, Ken Eller
Grade One Medley
Piping: Andrew Carlisle, Ian Duncan, Nat Russell, Ken Eller
Drumming: Mark Wilson, Jon Quigg
Ensemble: David Hilder, Michael Grey
Grade Two MSR
Piping: Andrew Carlisle, Ian Duncan, Michael Grey, Ken Eller
Drumming: Mark Wilson, Jon Quigg
Ensemble: Nat Russell, David Hilder
Grade Two Medley
Piping: Andrew Carlisle, Ian Duncan, David Hilder, Nat Russell
Drumming: Mark Wilson, Jon Quigg
Ensemble: Michael Grey, Ken Eller
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