Because, for the first time in its history pibroch performers and fans have through our site (as well as the Piobaireachd Society, Ceol Sean and others) ready, direct and universal access to materials that had only been accessible to scholars and archivists. And what these materials show is an incredible variety and vitality of expression and interpretation we might have intuited or possibly heard about, but never directly encountered. And now, everybody and anybody can.
The recordings of the MacCrimmon associated piobaireachd have been completed with the addition of MacDonald’s Salute:
Are these scores and manuscripts easy to understand? No. Are they easy to play and interpret? Certainly not. They are quite foreign, even though strangely familiar. But it is that quality of foreignness that makes them so important: they are evidence of musicality much broader than we assume today. Most people initially reject this foreignness – they dismiss it, they mitigate it, they try to shape what’s written into a modern style not reflected on the pages they see. Some simply walk away, saying that ‘It is not how we play it today’, or ‘I play to win, and judges won’t accept these’.
The twenty-fourth annual amateur Piobaireachd competition for the Archie Kenneth Quaich will take place on Saturday, 5th March 2016, in the rooms of The Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society, 127 Rose Street Lane South, Edinburgh, starting at 10am. Entries and enquiries to Alan Forbes, 24 Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6BN. Tel: 0131-337 4094 or e-mail: alan.forbes@btinternet.com

Competitors should submit two tunes with their entries, one of which they will be asked to play. Competitors may not submit any tune with which they have previously won first prize in the competition. Conditions for eligibility are as follows:
Competitors must be aged twenty or over.
Competitors must be amateur pipers. In particular, the following are not eligible: holders of the Army School of Piping’s Pipe Major Certificate; anyone who has won a prize in open competition or who has, within the past five years, taken part in open competition; anyone who has taken part in public recitals with professional players.
Anyone in doubt about their eligibility to play should contact the
competition organiser for advice. Please note the following change to previous arrangements: In the event that there are significantly more than 25 entries the competition may be run as two heats with a final of three or four from each heat, the finalists being required to play the tunes not chosen for them in the heats. This is to enable as many competitors as possible to take part.
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