New Chairman for Solo Judges' Association Announced – Comment from the Editor

Jack Taylor, Secretary of the Solo Piping Judges’ Association, has sent this….. At the SPJA AGM today Andrew Wright stood down after four years as chair. Colin MacLellan was elected to succeed him, and Jack Taylor and Euan Anderson were returned as secretary and treasurer.  In his remarks Andrew Wright referred to it having been a busy year with four committee meetings and much email traffic. He used the phrase…

Pipers Play Their Part in Remembering the Fallen

Tomorrow is Remembrance Sunday and pipers and pipe bands around the world will be playing musical tributes to the fallen of past and present wars. Over in Northern Ireland earlier this week (on Monday) Raffrey Pipe Major Francis Strain (Ulster Defence Regimental Association, Belfast) was the lone piper at the official opening of the Belfast Field of Remembrance. John Kelly reports: A short act of remembrance was led by the…

PP Ed's Blog: Schools/ Queensland/ Argylls Book/ Folk Awards

The Northern Winter School starts today in Lohheide, Lower Saxony, Germany, and not far from Fallingbostel the former British Army base. A great team of teachers brought together by Principal Ronnie Bromhead and at the last count there were around 50 students. There will be classes on all branches of piping and drumming, a concert, exams and evening ceilidhs. Report and pix to follow. Talking of schools, Jack Williamson, P/M of…

Pipe Bands Australia Appoint Nat Russell Their New Director of Ensemble

Pipe Bands Australia have announced the following: ‘Australia’s first Principal of Ensemble will be Nat Russell, the pipe major of Victoria Police when they won the 1998 World Championships and leading adjudicator in Australia and Scotland. [Mr Russell is pictured above on duty at the World Pipe Band Championships.] ‘His appointment follows the decision of Pipe Bands Australia to create an ensemble division within its Australian Pipe Band College, appointing a…

History: Pipers, Piping and Pipe Music in the Seaforth Highlanders 1778 -1924, Part 2

Today we continue with our abridged excerpts from the above book by Ian Hamilton Mackay Scobie. The book was published in 1924 and is now out of print. This excerpt talks of regimental dress and has an interesting take on piobaireachd, with the suggestion that it can only be played properly by pipers from the ‘North’. Above is a picture of Seaforth militia pipers in 1880 under P/M Ronald MacKenzie…. …