New Film About the Boys Brigade and the 214 BB Pipe Band/ Troon Blackrock Recruiting

A new video about the Boys Brigade in general and the 214th Glasgow Company and its famous pipe band has been posted on the Pipers Persuasion website. The video, by Pipers Persuasion editor and publisher Allan Hamilton,  features Piping Press editor Robert Wallace who was a member of the 214 ‘piping academy’ which also spawned P/M Ian McLellan of Strathclyde Police Pipe Band and many other top players. The video…

PP Editor’s Blog 20/2/15: Drumming Prizes etc

Results of our poll on the drumming prize were as follows: Yes, but for side drummers only 10%   Yes, for all drummers, bass, tenor and side 40%   Definitely not, it’s a pipe band contest for goodness sake 34%   No, there are too many drummers today anyway without encouraging more 16%   So yes, most of you think there should be prizes for drummers. However a significant percentage…