New Website Launches With Original ‘Ensemble Friendly’ Pipe Band Music

Since retiring in 2021, I have been working full-time on a study, and it has evolved into something that I think the pipe band world will be very interested in. The work, titled: ‘Insights into Pipe Band Ensemble’, was written to investigate how MSR pipe-tunes of the future might be composed so that their rhythms allow for a side-drum accompaniment to integrate more closely with them. By Alan Jones In…

Australia Adopts Set Tune Lists and Uniform Light Music Requirements for Solo Piping

Pipe Bands Australia has announced a sweeping reform of its solo piping competitions, marking the most significant change in over two decades, writes Scott Nicholson, Piping Principal. The revised criteria, applicable across all grades from Novice to A, aims to align Australia with Scotland, New Zealand and Canada and to facilitate smoother participation for Australian pipers in prestigious international events like Oban and Inverness, while also improving the standard of…

History: Grangemouth Boys Pipe Band and a First Picture of Muirhead & Sons

I came across the photograph above in my great-grandfather’s collection. This is a copy I made in the days of negative film – the original is lost, writes reader Donald McLean It shows the Grangemouth Boys Pipe Band circa 1927-28. Of note for me is that seated second from left is my godfather John Ross (1909-1988). I spotted a reference to the Grangemouth Boys winning the Juvenile prize at the…

Can Anyone Help Me Find Out More About My Father?

Reader Alison Willasey-Wilsey has written, ‘I wonder if Piping Press readers can assist me in finding out more information about my father now deceased.  ‘He said that he joined the Aberdeen and Dundee Pipe Band of the Royal Engineers in 1937. ‘He was subsequently called up to the Royal Engineers when war broke out in 1939. I know he was in a pipe band as a young boy in Aberdeen…

‘Pibroch by the Sea’ Details Announced

Details of the annual ‘Pibroch by the Sea’ event in Brittany, France, have been announced by the promoters. In a departure from previous years, performances of ceòl mòr will be given at the spectacular Mont St Michel a couple of hours drive east from the usual host village of Cancale. The date is Saturday, September 7, and the performances will be given between 11am and 2.30pm. Ten piobaireachd players from…