What Pipe Band Adjudicators Are Looking For

Several weeks ago someone, in responding to Piping Press, asked if the magazine had any information about pipe band adjudication. For many years I was involved in adjudicator training for the RSPBA and at the time I recalled a couple of articles I had prepared for Pipe Band magazine. I have since amalgamated them into a single file and added a little too. It may be that what I write…

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Reflections on the 2019 World Pipe Band Championships – Part 3

The adjudicator placings across the four Grade 1 competitions were in the main consistent, apart from some wide differences between drumming and ensemble in the Saturday MSR competition.  I would have expected these placings to have been closer as both adjudicator disciplines should be considering, among other aspects, the influence of the drumming on the piping.  The consistency of piping results has improved markedly since the start of the 2019…

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Reflections on the 2019 World Pipe Band Championships – Part 2

The Grade 1 Medley competition as always produced a varied range of tune selections, ingenuity, innovative approaches, intricate piping and drumming, quality playing to a very high level, and varied musical impacts.  For me the best musical performances were those which included a blend of traditional and contemporary tunes (melodic ones), tunes which fitted well together and avoided too long and complicated transitions, avoided complex harmonies and counter melodies where…

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Reflections on the 2019 World Pipe Band Championships – Part 1

Having sat through all the Grade 1 performances at the World Pipe Band Championships (WPBC) this year on both Friday and Saturday, I have prepared my summary in three separate sections – general comments about the event, thoughts on the Grade 1 medley performances, and some observations about the revised two-day format for Grade 1.  I should make it clear from the outset that I was sitting in the main…

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A Second, Detailed Look at the 2019 Pipe Band Season – Part 2

By Alistair Aitken OBE, former RSPBA adjudicator The first SPBA Scottish Pipe Band Championships were held in Blairgowrie on 12 June 1948.  As I have mentioned previously on Piping Press, the venue during the 1960s and 1970s was Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh but for the past 20 years the venue has been Levengrove Park in Dumbarton, the event organised by West Dunbartonshire Council and West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust Events…

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