The Archie Kenneth Quaich is the top prize for amateur piobaireachd players. It is run by the Music Committee of the Piobaireachd Society. The competition takes place at the rooms of the Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society in Edinburgh on February 22nd.
The competition is fully subscribed. The judges are PS committee members Derek Fraser and Darach Urquhart. Here is the order of play:
1 Thomson McConnell
2 Donald Morrison
3 Stewart Allan
4 Leslie Barrett
5 Matthew Kirkwood
6 Graham Farr
7 William Fallon
8 Tom Peterkin
9 Dugald MacLeod
10 Stuart Letford
11 Jamie Gallagher
12 Laura McEwan
13 Iain Kirkwood
14 Kathryn McEwan
15 James Acheson
16 Andrea Jones
17 Adam Aitchison
18 Hector Thomson
19 Anthony Kelly
20 Jim Waugh
21 Robert Russell
22 Curtis Costa
23 Craig Crosbie
24 Owain Woodman Carr
25 Stephen Whitton
26 Allan Harper
Pipers submit two tunes of their own choice one of which is given in the final tuning room. Former winners cannot compete with their winning tune from a previous year. The competition is only open to adult pipers who have never won a prize in open competition in light music or piobaireachd.
Leading Drummer Quest
Pipe Major Ewan Henderson of Police Scotland & Federation Pipe Band has sent this: ‘Due to unforeseen circumstances Police Scotland & Federation Pipe Band are seeking a new leading drummer with immediate effect.
‘The pipe corps are in a very healthy position and the band has excellent support from its partners, Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Federation. The closing date for applications is Friday, 28th February.
‘If you are interested in the above position and wish to discuss the post in confidence, please contact P/M Ewan Henderson using the following contact details – M: 07720445821 ; e.henderson2@sky.com ‘
Last week Piping Press reported the departure of the band’s leading drummer David Henderson to Shotts where he replaced Grant Cassidy.