Editor’s Notebook: John McLellan DCM/ Band Regradings/ Weekend Solos/ Pinkman Collection/ Aussies Adopt PS Set Tunes

Reader Yahya Hussein on the above picture: ‘That rather rare photo was taken right after WW1. His medal bar shows his Great War medal trio, the 1914-1918 Medal, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

‘That is alongside his Queen’s South African Medal along with his famous DCM won in South Africa when rallying his battalion as they were being cut to pieces by the boers at Magersfontein in 1899.

‘John was Pipe Major of the 8th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders during the Great War and for a while in the inter-war period.’

Congratulations to all those bands upgraded for next season. The hard work starts now. I suppose the most difficult task of all will fall to Ravara from Northern Ireland. Going from Grade 2 to 1 must be the hardest move of all. You have to accept that one season of copious amounts of silverware will be followed by one with very little, if none at all.

On the up….Methil PB

Strength of character called for. They will have to adopt the attitude of chipping away at the middle order for the first year, consolidating, and then maybe trying for the bottom end of the prize list in subsequent seasons. The very best of luck to Sam Connolly and his band.

Another big leap for Black Raven from Lusk, Dublin – 4B to 3A! Perhaps they were under-graded for 2024 and the jump won’t be as big as we imagine. All credit to them. Lastly we need to applaud the work of Cameron Barnes stepping into the breach during father Robert’s indisposition. The fact that Methil are now up a grade to 3A will cheer dad up no end.

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Tomorrow sees the annual Glenfiddich competition at Blair Atholl. I think this will be one of most open competitions for several years. Most of the invitees are in top form in both disciplines. Often it happens we get someone on fire in piobaireachd but not so hot in the MSR – or vice versa.

On Sunday we have the first round in the Scots Guards Knock Out. Pipers are holder Cameron May and Chris McLeish. The fun starts at 4pm in the Scots Guards Club, Haymarket, Edinburgh, with plenty of pies to go with the piping. First round dates and competitors:

October 27: Cameron May v Christopher McLeish
November 24: Sandy Cameron v Craig Muirhead
January 26: Callum Wynd v Bobby Allan
February 23: Brodie Watson-Massie v Jamie Elder

Stephen Beattie writes: ‘I am in the process of compiling a book of tunes composed by members from three generations of the Pinkman family. Compositions come from Robert (Rab) Pinkman (KOSB), his father Eddie Pinkman, his grandfather Robert D Pinkman, Archie Pinkman (of Bilston Glen Colliery Pipe Band), and Ian Ness.

Lothian & Borders Fire Brigade band in 1977 at Hawick. I think that’s Bobby Pinkman sixth from the left back row. More info welcome

‘I would like to include some background information about the composers but there is very little information available on-line. If any readers know of any information (dates, bands, photos etc.) which they think might be relevant, I would be pleased to hear from them.’

Stephen can be contacted by email here:  stephen_beattie@yahoo.co.uk

Scott Nicolson: We are pleased to announce the launch of a dedicated solo piping page on the Pipe Bands Australia website. This page provides detailed information about the national standardised tune requirements applicable to all contests conducted under Pipe Bands Australia.

Additionally, the page includes lessons on the newly introduced piobaireachd set tunes, six Silver Medal tune lessons taught by Malcolm McRae and Mike Cusack.

As part of our commitment to improving the standard and ongoing development of piobaireachd, Australia has adopted the Piobaireachd Society Silver Medals Set Tunes.

Piobaireachd requirements will change on 1 December in line with the Society’s Gold and Silver medal tune announcements and will apply to the following year of competition allowing competitors ample time to prepare.

Once the Piobaireachd Society releases the 2026 set tunes, they will also be added to the page to ensure the most up-to-date information is available. We believe that these efforts will significantly enhance the standard of solo piping across the nation.

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