News from Across the Water: James Warnock 1919-2024/ UK Drumming/ Down Solos/ Long Service

Jim Warnock on his 100th birthday with his great-grandsons

The death took place recently of James Warnock, one of the great pioneers of the Northern Ireland pipe band scene. His area of expertise, like that of his father Joe and brother Andrew, was the manufacture of chanter and drone reeds and pipe chanters. James and his family made such an impact on both the local and world pipe band scene. 

For an insight into Jim’s life in pipe bands I would recommend that you watch Interview 27 in the Pipers Persuasion series Jim passed away in his 106th year having lived a long and fulfilling life. 

By Gilbert Cromie, Northern Ireland Correspondent

A lifetime member of Tullylagan Pipe Band, at the time of his death he was their President. In a statement the band’s Chairman Stephen Swaile said: ‘It is a sad day in the history of Tullylagan Pipe Band as we extend our deepest condolences to the Warnock family on the passing of our President Jim Warnock.

‘Jim was ever-present throughout the history of Tullylagan. We have lost a man instrumental in bringing piping across the world to its present standard. We are very fortunate to have two of Jim’s great-grandsons playing within our Grade 2 band at present and l know this gave him great happiness. One of life’s true gentleman who will be greatly missed but not forgotten.’ 

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Ayrshire Bagpipes Nov 2020
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PB ensemble ad – Feb 2025

UK Solo Drumming Championships: These were held on 7th September in Greystone Primary School, Antrim. The NI Branch were delighted with the large number of spectators who attended to support the competitors. They were also grateful to Andante for their sponsorship and to the school Principal for the kind use of the school premises.

The adjudicators were Mark Wilson and Keith Orr. Adult competitors were  competing for the Bobby Rea Cup which was won by William Glenholmes with 2nd Gareth McLees, 3rd Stephen Creighton, 4th Matthew Shaw and 5th Ashley Fyfe.

William Glenholmes receiving the Bobby Rea Memorial trophy from RSPBA Director Ray Hall MBE

All five have now claimed one of the coveted semi-final spots in the upcoming World Solo Drumming Championships. The winners of a separate Juvenile solo drumming competition were: Juvenile 1: Bobby Moore, Juvenile 3: Callum Freeburn and Juvenile 4: Lewis Doherty.

Down Academy Pipes & Drums Juvenile Solos: Ballynahinch High School on Sept. 14 was the setting for the second annual competition. There was an excellent  entry despite some understandable withdrawals due to the passing of Jim Warnock. Down Academy are to be congratulated for organising this event. Adjudicators were Colin Moffett [Piping] and Ian Lawson [Drumming]. U12 Chanter: 1 H Spencer 2 E Brownlee 3 H Bell Hamilton 4 M Watson; U13 Practice Pipes: 1 B Cardy 2 H Spencer 3 N Lau 4 M Watson; U14 Piping: 1 D McBlaine 2 R Rodgers 3 B Rooney 4 R McIlwaine; U16 Piping: 1 S Townsley 2 R Rodgers 3 D McBlaine 4 J Rankin; U18 Piping: 1 W Currie 2 L Neill 3 P Murphy 4 J Moore.

Young winners from Syerla Pipe Band

U12 Pad: 1 M Steele 2 J Horner 3 J Semple 4 A Fitzsimmons. U13 Snare: 1 L Watson 2 L Currie 3 H Turkington 4 J Horner; U14 Drumming: 1 C Freeburn 2 L Kerr 3 A Steele 4 M Brownlee; U16 Drumming: 1 E Young 2 M Brownlee 3 A Speers. RSPBANI P&D School scholarships were awarded to Henry Spencer and Callum Freeburn. Down Academy Pipe Band would like to thank sponsors and helpers: RSPBANI Branch, Ulster Scots Agency, Alastair Patterson (Chairman RSPBANI), Adrian and Janette Hoy, and Sammy Smith. The band looks forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Branch recognition: Members of the RSPBA NI Branch Executive Committee recently visited Brian and Betty Harvey at their home to present certificates of Dedicated Service and a glass trophy to mark Brian’s retirement as Chief Steward.

Brian became the NI Branch’s Chief Steward in 1997 assuming the position from Charles Duncan and he has been the longest serving holder of the office in the organisation’s 73-year history. Brian was very much respected by the bands for his organisational skills, no-nonsense approach but overall, his friendly manner and his wit! There was a job to be done, done with professionalism and courtesy but always with a smile.

Brian and Betty with their certificates

Betty competed as a tenor drummer with the Gilnahirk and Ballydonaghy Pipe Bands, however in addition to her band activity, she would also accept the registration of bands on competition day from the red tent and this was always with a welcoming smile to all  bands and drum majors. They remain one of the best known couples in the Northern Ireland Branch and the Branch wishes them both every health and happiness! 

1 thought on “News from Across the Water: James Warnock 1919-2024/ UK Drumming/ Down Solos/ Long Service

  1. Good to see Brian Harvey looking well. We has some interesting tussles and words during the years, as he desperately tried to get us to the line on time 🙂
    Good to see you well Brian

    HMPB Dungannon

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