The 31st annual amateur piobaireachd competition for the prestigious Archie Kenneth Quaich will take place on Saturday, 25th February 2023, writes Dr Peter McCalister on behalf of the Music Committee of the Piobaireachd Society.
The venue is the rooms of the Royal Scottish Pipers Society, 127 Rose St North Lane, Edinburgh EH2 4BB, starting at 9.30am. Pictured above is Tom Peterkin the 2022 AKQ winner.
Competitors should submit two tunes with their entries, one of which they will be asked to play on the day. Players will receive the name of the tune selected by the judges in the final tuning room. Competitors may not submit any tune with which they have previously won first prize in the competition.
The closing date for entries is 8th January 2023. Conditions for eligibility are as follows:
1 Competitors must be members of the Piobaireachd Society
2 Competitors must be aged 18 or over.
3 Competitors must be amateur pipers. In general, an amateur piper is someone who has never accepted a money prize in a senior solo piobaireachd competition.
4 Anyone in doubt about their eligibility to play should contact the
5 competition organiser for advice.
This competition has been increasingly popular in recent years. In the event that there are significantly more than 25 entries there will be a ballot, and the first 25 entries drawn will be selected to play, plus reserves.
Those who are not selected to play will be guaranteed a place in the 2024 competition if they intend to enter that. Entries and queries: peter.mccalister@doctors.org.uk.
Pipers’ Persuasion
Allan Hamilton: Our latest interview hot of the press is of Alan Wallace, Pipe Band Association Singapore.
Alan is speaking on piping and drumming in Australia and Singapore and other places in SE Asia.
It’s really great to talk to people like him who is so positive and energetic about his music.
He tells us of teaching, grading, competing and the various factors affecting same including the recent pandemic. Wonderfully informative to viewers of Pipers’Persuasion. http://www.piperspersuasion.com/singapore-piping/