Planning is continuing at pace for the forthcoming ‘Kids with Cancer Charity Concert’ which will be held on Saturday 20th February 2021 from 7.00pm. Due to the pandemic the concert will take place online however every effort has been made to engage a quality line-up of artistes.
This is a PAY PER VIEW ONLY event with the money raised going to the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Tickets for the concert are priced at £20 each and can be purchased by contacting Gary Smyth on Facebook [www.facebook.com/gary.smyth.52] or text 07814446179 or through Eventbrite [www.eventbrite.com/e/kids-with-cancer-charity-event-2021-tickets] which is how I purchased mine.

Last year a record £14,165 was raised to bring the three year total to £31,500 and I am sure that a pipe band community starved of major events in 2020 could contribute significantly to this charity which I am sure like so many others has struggled to fundraise this year.
A thousand of us buying tickets would raise £20,000 but we could do better than that particularly as we are still likely to be housebound.
The pipers and drummers who will be playing through the medium of pre-recorded videos are –
Drummers: Stephen McWhirter, Gareth McLees, Steven Shedden, William Glenholmes, Gordon Brown, Kerr McQuillan, Jamie Coffey and Jordan Baillie.
Pipers: Lincoln Hilton, Stuart Liddell, Robert Watt, Andrew Carlisle, Ashley McMichael and Ryan Cupples Menendez.
Bands: Closkelt, West Australia Police, St Joseph’s Clondalkin, Tullylagan, Matt Boyd Memorial Pipers and the Ravara Drum Corps.
It has also been announced that one of Ireland’s leading female country singers Cliona Hagan has agreed to perform and now a significant auction item has been donated by Davy Clarke in the form of a 50cc MX Xtreme scrambler.
There are 101 tickets on sale for this brilliant prize which are priced at £15 each or 2 for £20 and you can select your preferred number[s] from those remaining on a list shown on Gary Smyth’s Facebook page with the payment being made via PayPal to kidswithcancer2020@outlook.com.