The Board of the National Piping Centre are seeking applications for the post of Director of Piping to replace Roderick MacLeod, hitherto ‘Principal’ of the Centre, who is leaving the organisation in May.
The advert reads: ‘The National Piping Centre (NPC) is a charity established to promote and encourage the study of the music and history of the Highland Bagpipe….. The new Director will lead the continuing development of the teaching programmes and other musical activities, ensuring that the National Piping Centre continues to be the world centre of excellence in piping…..
‘The role of the Director of Piping of the National Piping Centre includes the following key responsibilities:
- Overseeing the NPC’s musical and educational activities including: the general teaching programmes (including seasonal and overseas schools); the NPC’s schools outreach programmes; the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in partnership with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
- the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland;
- Piping Live!
- Management responsibility, alongside the Director of Administration, for the operations of the National Piping Centre as a whole (including its subsidiary businesses and fundraising).
- Working with the Board of Directors, alongside the Director of Administration, to set strategy for the NPC.
- Being an ambassador of the National Piping Centre on a local and worldwide basis.
‘The Director of Piping will report to the Board of Directors but will not serve as a Director. It is expected that the successful candidate will display the following attributes:
- High level of musical achievement and profile in the piping world.
- Significant relevant experience in teaching bagpipes.
- Strong communication skills and media awareness.
- Strong and inspiring leadership and organisational management skills.

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‘The Director of Piping is a full time employed role and will attract an appropriate level of remuneration. All enquiries and requests for further information will be treated in strict confidence and should be made to enquiries@fwbparkbrown.com who are handling enquiries on behalf of the Board of Directors. The closing date for applications is 5.00 pm on 6 March 2020.
‘Applicants should present details of their suitability for the post, including relevant background, experience and achievements. They should also provide a brief note setting out their suggested strategic proposals for the National Piping Centre.’
- The centre is also advertising for a director of the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland following Alisdair McLaren’s decision to return to his native Australia. Those interested can download the job spec here: